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UPDATE | WILL Continues to Challenge Illegal Tax that Burdens WI Families & Small Businesses

The Supreme Court of Wisconsin (SCOWIS) has granted a joint petition to bypass the court of appeals, and accepted review of the Town of Buchanan’s appeal of WILL's case against the Town’s transportation utility fee.

WILL argues, on behalf of the Wisconsin Property Taxpayers, Inc. (WPT), that the Town’s transportation utility fee is an unlawful tax, and violates levy limits and the uniformity clause in the Wisconsin Constitution. WPT is a non-partisan membership organization consisting of thousands of small business, farm, and property owners.

🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Luke Berg, stated “We are happy that the Wisconsin Supreme Court is taking this case. State law does not authorize municipalities to charge a road-use fee. The town is using the tax to circumvent limits on property taxes, as the trial court held. We are hopeful that SCOWIS will affirm that ruling.”

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National Review | WI School Counselor Sues District after Firing over Objections to Child Gender Transition

Ryan Mills, from the National Review, wrote about our lawsuit against the Milwaukee Public Schools over First Amendment violations. "Luke Berg, a lawyer representing Darlingh, said his client has never violated any district policies or guidance regarding transgender students, and is being punished for expressing disfavored opinions. 'They object to her speech. They object to her message,' Berg said. 'And they apparently think it’s so wrong, what she said, that it’s a fire-able offense, and doesn’t warrant any sort of conversation, any sort of warning, any sort of discussion whatsoever.'"

⚖️ Learn more about this lawsuit here!

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JOB OPENING | Communications Director

WILL is looking to hire a Director of Communications. The Communications Director is responsible for managing and executing all public campaigns associated with WILL lawsuits, policy research, and legislative initiatives.

💼 Learn more about the job opening here!

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OPINION | Parental Rights Defenders Aren't 'Anti-LGBT'

WILL Deputy Counsel, Luke Berg, wrote in Empower Wisconsin, addressing an article that mischaracterized the work WILL does on our transgender-related cases and legal issues. "If we care about youth who struggle with gender dysphoria, we should not be afraid to have an honest dialogue about what will best help them."

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🎄 Merry Christmas

Thank you for supporting WILL and our efforts in the New Year! Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas.

The work we do would not be possible without the generosity of our donors; we are a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization that receives no public funds. As a non-profit and non-partisan organization, we litigate in the areas of equality under the law, property rights, the freedom to earn a living, voting rights, regulation, taxation, school choice, and religious freedom. As an educational organization, we strive to advance the debate concerning law and public policy in these and other areas.

Please consider making a donation to defend freedom.

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