GOC has been beating the drum for the past few years that the majority of our victories are going to be found in the courts – and this is proving to be true, particularly here in California where we face a virulent anti-gun legislature. We have a host of articles on this very point – each of which detail judicial victories and the promise of more to come. Pay particular attention to Judge Benitez’ ruling against the outrageous law that would make litigants and their attorneys liable for the state’s legal fees if a gun law challenge is not 100% successful. He’s right – it’s tyrannical. Who is dismissive of California’s Second Amendment voters? Checkout GOC’s latest on the troubling situation at the California Republican Party – we think they are taking you – valued and passionate Second Amendment Voters – for granted. No two ways about it – this stinks! You don’t deserve such treatment – nor do those of us who work tirelessly in defense of our 2A rights as American citizens. Read why we believe this is happening HERE. ‘I Can’t Think of Anything More Tyrannical’ – Judge Benitez Will Block California’s Gun Control ‘Fee-Shifting’ Law | The Truth About Guns Good read about the Judge Benitez ruling on legal fees. Judge Rules Major Part of a California Gun Control Bill Is Blocked | California Globe AB 1594: Judge Benitez rules against the State! Tyranny loses again! Judge To Halt Provision Making California Gun Suits Costlier | Los Angeles Times The LA Times reported on the fee-shifting lawsuit fiasco. Benitez's Latest Order Sets Stage for Good Assault Weapon Ruling | The Truth About Guns The latest update on Miller v Bonta and the take down of the assault weapons ban. CA Dreamin’ For A Stay. Injunction Stands On Privacy Law Challenge | Bearing Arms Important info on Barba, et al. v. Bonta. Another Loss for CA in Gun Privacy Case that Could DOX Gun Owners | AmmoLand Latest update on the CA DOJ Dox: AG Bonta request denied. CDC Removed Stats On Defensive Gun Use Over Pressure From Anti-Gunners | FOX News They commissioned gun use study itself, but removed it last year. CDC Altered Its Own Website Under Pressure From Gun Controllers | Townhall More on the unprecedented politicization of the CDC. Sec Service, ICE Secretly Worked With FBI To Strip Gun Rights | Wash. Examiner This is a disturbing example of “Deep State mentality.” America’s Rifle, the AR-15 Is Protected by the 2A | The Independent Indeed it is. Restricting Gun Rights Won't Prevent Tragedy | Zero Hedge Great piece by GOA’s Erich Pratt. Democrats’ Gun Control Duplicity Laid Bare | NSSF Biden has no valid reason to push gun control when he lets arm dealers go free. November 2022 NICS Checks Up, Firearm Sales Steady | AmmoLand New gun owners are key to future wins. |