![]() Patriot, We all witnessed the most shocking suspension of civil liberties across the world in hysterical response to the outbreak of Covid, with disastrous results. Our communities are still reeling from the unprecedented closures: of schools, of businesses, of churches, even of courts. The damage was catastrophic, socially as well as economically. Socially, we’re witnessing skyrocketing crime, drug abuse, and suicide, while academic achievement plummets. Economically, the lockdowns were undoubtedly a major factor in today’s rampant inflation, supply chain disruptions, and shortages. Then came the vaccine mandates, in which thousands if not millions of Americans were fired from their jobs, members of our military unceremoniously kicked out of the armed services, and many more told they weren’t welcome in school for refusing to take an ill-tested, experimental vaccine that many suspect is the cause of the newly emerging health crisis. And now, world leaders are conspiring to introduce a global “vaccine passport” where those who do not accept these still-experimental gene-altering drugs will not be able to travel . . . and who knows what else. Just last month, leaders of the world’s largest economies at the G20 meeting drafted and signed a declaration in which the 20 counties, including ours, agreed to adopt vaccine passports. And in a separate document, they vowed to “endeavour to move towards interoperability of systems including mechanisms that validate proof of vaccination.” This is the tyrannical vision that is being pushed by Klaus Schwab, head of the globalist organization, the World Economic Forum, and Bill Gates, who called for a “GERM” global epidemic police force earlier this year. The standards the G20 want to use are the World Health Organization (WHO) standards – and the WHO plans to vote on this in May. Forcing vaccine passports on countries would fall under authority of the WHO, a slap in the face to America’s sovereignty. And the statists in the U.S. Senate could empower them to implement this scheme – unless you take action to stop them now. Most people think the Covid tyranny is over. Stores and restaurants that survived the lockdowns and mandates have re-opened. Schools are back to in-person learning. Churches that were shut down are open to public worship. But with the snap of a finger, they could all be back . . . If you think the last three years of Covid tyranny under so many governors, mayors, and even unelected bureaucrats have been brutal, just imagine what could happen with international authoritarian elitists (who aren’t accountable to U.S. citizens in any way) calling the shots. Right now, the World Health Organization is working on a treaty that would give them the powers to: >>> Implement
world-wide digital identities and vaccine passports; >>> Force the public to wear masks and get vaccinated; >>> Restrict travel and institute lockdowns; >>> Force their medical protocols and ban treatments they don’t like; >>> Socialize medicine, and more. DEMAND YOUR SENATORS OPPOSE THE GLOBALIST WHO PANDEMIC TREATY! This “international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness,” in the Council of the European Union’s words, is being fast tracked by WHO. Just look at the Covid lockdowns in China (where Covid originated, apparently in a lab funded by the United States taxpayers). The Chinese Communist Party blockaded citizens in their homes to enforce their lockdown. People pled for food and medicine, often with no response from the government. If the WHO introduces and requires a vaccine passport or other tyrannical edicts, do you think what is happening in China won’t happen here too? The statists want to control the global population – and to overcome those pesky constitutional rights of Americans, a treaty is the only way to do so. The U.S. Constitution, unfortunately, was written to be circumvented by treaty: It’s right here in Article VI, Section 2: This Constitution, and the laws of the United States
which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be
the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State
to the contrary notwithstanding.” In other words, the Senate can sign a vaccine mandate treaty with Zimbabwe, and the feds, or even some other foreign governmental body, would suddenly have municipal police power to imprison the unvaccinated for “offenses against the laws of nations.” Let that sink in. It only takes 2/3 of the Senate – there is no check by your representative in the House – to implement international law in the USA. It only takes 2/3 of the Senate to sign on to a globalist treaty to give the WHO total control and create Bill Gates’ GERM army to shut down our civil liberties, perhaps forever. The only thing stopping it is the voice of We the People preventing 2/3 of the Senate from ratifying it. Even with a 51-49 Democrat to Republican split in the Senate next year, you and I both know we can’t trust statist senators such as Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and others to do the right thing and preserve American sovereignty and personal liberty. And once again, time is not on our side. DEMAND YOUR SENATORS OPPOSE THE GLOBALIST WHO PANDEMIC TREATY! The proposed WHO agreement is a mortal threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights. It increases the WHO’s suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people. Just knowing the WHO treaty is endorsed and being pushed by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum is enough to fight it now. Patrick Henry foresaw this global tyranny from centuries away. Speaking before the Virginia ratifying assembly, he warned our future nation about the tyranny of treaties: “The Senate, by making treaties may destroy your liberty and laws for [lack]
of responsibility. They may make the most ruinous treaties; and yet there is no punishment for them. [...] “Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequence loss of liberty. I say that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed, with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt.” Patrick Henry understood there was little to stop senators from making “the most ruinous treaties” – because only the Senate can impeach a senator. But you and I have the power of the ballot box and of being constituents who these senators should listen to. Patriot, never, ever count on Congress to do the right thing when nobody is looking. They need to be put on notice – by you and by every American patriot. Please take just one moment to DEMAND your U.S. Senators outright reject the globalist WHO pandemic treaty. And then, please take a moment to forward this email to every fellow patriot you know. Because with so much else going on, for too many people, this is falling under the radar. Send a message, spread the word, and then, please give in what you can to help us mobilize more patriots for this critical effort. All of our freedom may be lost in one fell swoop if we fail. If you can donate $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more, every bit makes a difference. Time is short, and you and I need to mobilize Americans to fight this now. Your support will allow us to reach more concerned citizens about this treaty and the dangers it presents. Together, we can put pressure on the Senate to vote this treaty down. Campaign for Liberty is preparing to reach thousands and thousands more about the dangers of the WHO Pandemic Treaty through social media, online ads, and traditional media. And we simply must sound the alarm before it’s too late. Please give what you can now so we can prevent Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab from claiming victory. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Thanks to the sacrifice of our Founders, America was born a free country. But the globalists are closing in. The pandemic is the pretext, and we must DEMAND our U.S. Senators protect what remains of our liberty. Don’t sit by in silence. Speak up and DEMAND your U.S. Senators REFUSE to support the globalist WHO Pandemic Treaty – and defend the Constitution that our Founders fought and died for. And then, please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty so we can keep up the fight! Campaign for Liberty needs to reach more Americans through social media, banner ads, and traditional media in order to defeat the WHO treaty. Together, you and I can defeat Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and their evil plan. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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