John, A Drag Queen Christmas is touring
Texas and being marketed as appropriate for “all ages” and “family-friendly.” Taylor Hansen reported on this
explicit highly-sexualized mockery of the Christian holiday directed at children on Twitter, which ended up temporarily REMOVING his tweet thread because it was deemed too explicit. Imagine that, a show so vile Twitter
won’t let pictures of it on their platform, yet children of all ages are invited to attend! Twitter has reinstated the tweet thread, but be warned
the content is graphic, and NSFW. |
The ticket advertisements have no warnings about obscenities or graphic content in favor of pushing that all
ages are welcome at the event. Radicals are going to
horrifying levels of depravity to expose Texas children to sexual content. This. Is. Grooming.
Shows have taken place in San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas, with children in attendance. Performers even praised
mothers for bringing their children and asked children directly, “are you confused yet?”
We have to make this illegal. There are protections in place to protect children from explicit
content in television, movies, video games, etc. Yet, there is nothing in place regarding this form of sexually explicit, verging on pornographic,
live performance. This is a perversion crisis, and we must end this to save Texas kids! |
We need to ban this behavior in front of kids. It’s happening in Texas, and it’s happening across the
country. Texans need to be the ones to step up and end this now. Join us today.
Defending Texas and Saving America,
Texas Republicans
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Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |