John, I told you we’d win the Senate — and we did.

I told you the House would come down to the wire — and it did.

I told you we’d defy EVERYONE’s expectations — and we did.

NOW, I’m telling you that we can build the largest House Majority EVER in this next election. But we need to spring into action, register voters earlier than EVER before, and get such a historic head start on Republicans, that they’ll NEVER be able to catch up. That’s why I’m not waiting another second to get started on laying the groundwork for our historic victory. So I’m asking you personally: Will you please chip in $15 before midnight? I need 1,063 gifts before midnight to reach my goal and launch this plan into action >>

I’ll be blunt, John: I need you to make a crucial choice in this moment.

— We can either let McCarthy shovel millions to Republicans, build a dangerous Republican majority, and pave the path for Trump to retake the presidency…

— Or, we can send a historic response, fight with everything we have to reclaim the House, and shut down Trump and McCarthy's scheme to regain full control over our Democracy.

I need a swift and POWERFUL response — 1,063 gifts before midnight — to stomp out Republicans’ plans to destroy our progress. I can’t overstate how grateful I’d be for your immediate $15 right now >>


Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

As the top Democrat in the House, she's fighting to help working families and protect America from the dangerous agenda of Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy.

We know you're getting a lot of emails -- but it's only because what we're facing right now as a country is so important.

Nancy is committed to doing whatever it takes to elect a record-breaking number of Democrats in the next election and beyond. Can we count on your support?


Nancy isn't one to back down from a fight, and we're in this for the long haul. We'd hate to see you leave our movement completely, but if you must, please click unsubscribe.

Nancy Pelosi for Congress
Suite 800
Washington, DC xxxxxx
United States
Paid for by Nancy Pelosi for Congress