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In case you missed it: 2019 was a busy year for the New Democrat Coalition. As the majority makers in the 116^th Congress, New Dem members were laser-focused on delivering results for the American people, and united behind priorities and policies to bolster the U.S. economy, promote innovation, and create jobs for Americans in every zip code. The NDC recently released its 2019 End of Year Review to highlight all of the work the Coalition has already accomplished this Congress. Read the recap here ([link removed]) .
This week, the House passed a War Powers Resolution reclaiming Congress’s constitutional oversight and war-making authority under the War Powers Act, requiring Congressional authorization for any declaration of war or use of military force in or against Iran. Introduced by New Dem Rep. Elissa Slotkin (MI-08), a former CIA and Defense Department analyst who specialized in Shia militia and served multiple times in Iran, this resolution exerts accountability and transparency in our national security efforts, and reasserts Congress’s oversight role in the use of military force and committing resources overseas.
There is no doubt that the Iranian regime and Soleimani enacted dangerous and destabilizing activities in the Middle East, but this Resolution made it clear that actions the U.S. takes in the name of national security should make us more safe, not less. As Rep. Slotkin said ([link removed]) , “The United States always retains the right to self-defense,” but that “does not mean that the Administration can disregard the Constitution by engaging in a wider war, without consulting first with Congress. We owe it to our military –– and to ourselves as a nation –– to provide our troops clarity, and to abide by the Constitution that they have sworn their lives to protect.”
More on what Members have been up to below.
ICYMI: NDC 2019 End of Year Review ([link removed])
The NDC released the 2019 End of Year Review to highlight all of the work the Coalition has done on behalf of the American people. Whether engaging on infrastructure, the future of work, trade, health care, climate change, national security, or other issues, the Coalition is leading the effort to create greater security, economic opportunity, and a healthier nation and planet for all Americans. As we head into 2020, the NDC remains committed to pushing for bold, innovative, and politically durable policies that address our nation’s greatest challenges and opportunities.
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Rep. Elissa Slotkin (MI-08) introduces the War Powers Resolution on the House Floor.
Floor Action
House Passes Slotkin’s War Powers Resolution ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Elissa Slotkin’s (MI-08) War Powers Resolution to limit the Trump Administration’s ability to engage in military action against Iran without the appraisal and consent of Congress. Watch Rep. Slotkin discuss the resolution ([link removed]) on CNN.
Bill Introductions
Axne Introduces Legislation to Keep Manufactured Housing Communities Affordable ([link removed])
Rep. Cindy Axne (IA-03) introduced the Manufactured Housing Community Preservation Act to keep manufactured housing communities (MHC) affordable by providing federal assistance for acquiring and preserving these communities. The legislation directs the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to create a grant program to help nonprofits, resident-formed cooperatives, and other local entities purchase and maintain an MHC through awards of up to $1 million.
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Rep. Cindy Axne (IA-03) speaks about her Manufactured Housing Community Preservation Act.
NDC Chair Kilmer Introduces Legislation to Improve Federal Fishery Disaster Process, Increase Accountability ([link removed]-)
NDC Chair Rep. Derek Kilmer (WA-06) introduced the Fishery Failures: Urgently Needed Disasters Declaration Act (Fishery FUNDD Act), which aims to improve the federal fishery disaster process and ensure more timely disaster relief for impacted communities.
NDC Freshman Whip Sherrill Introduces Legislation to Prevent Methane Leaks ([link removed])
NDC Freshman Whip Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) introduced the Mitigate Methane Now Act, legislation to mitigate climate change immediately by encouraging the replacement of old, home distribution pipelines, a major source of methane leakage across the country.
NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Houlahan Statement on Killing of Qasem Soleimani ([link removed])
NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan ([link removed]) (PA-06), a former Air Force veteran, issued the following statement following the death of Qasem Soleimani: “To be clear, the Iranian regime – in large part, under Soleimani’s leadership – has supported terrorism around the world and consistently worked to undermine the national security of the United States and our allies… My immediate concern is for the safety and security of American servicemembers, diplomats, and civilians working in the region, and I will be asking the Administration for its plan to keep our personnel safe.”
NDC Vice Chair DelBene Leads Letter Calling for Answers on Iranian Americans Detainment ([link removed])
NDC Vice Chair Rep. Suzan DelBene (WA-01) led a letter along with seven other NDC Members, demanding an explanation for Custom and Border Patrol’s detainment of more than 60 Iranian Americans last weekend.
NDC Vice Chair Kuster Holds Roundtable to Discuss Passage of Legislation to Lower Prescription Drug Costs ([link removed])
NDC Vice Chair Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) held a roundtable discussion with Granite State Progress on H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which passed the House in December to lower prescription drug costs for all Americans.
Escobar Named “Newsmaker of 2019” by the El Paso Times ([link removed])
Rep. Veronica Escobar (TX-16) was named the “Newsmaker of 2019” by the El Paso Times for being one of the most impactful voices from the border. She organized dozens of congressional visits to Customs and Border Patrol facilities detaining immigrants to raise awareness and bring transparency to the nation’s immigration and border policies. Rep. Escobar also worked to help her district recover and heal following the deadly El Paso Walmart shooting, where 22 people were killed and 24 more were injured.
Fletcher Works to Pass Meaningful Legislation ([link removed])
Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) was featured in the Houston Chronicle for her work as a Co-Chair of the NDC Trade Task Force, and for her work across the aisle: “I put my name on the ballot because I want things to be different. I put my name on the ballot to make change… And I think there are a lot of people here that I’ve gotten to work with who were here for those reasons.”
Sherrill, Luria, Houlahan Are Three Women Warriors in the 116th Congress ([link removed]{%22issue_id%22:645297,%22publication_id%22:%2260085%22,%22page%22:10})
NDC Freshman Whip Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-02), and NDC Climate Change Task Force Co-Chair Elaine Luria (VA-02) were recognized for their service to the United States as veterans. Rep. Sherrill was a helicopter pilot in the Navy, Rep. Houlahan was an engineer in the Air Force, and Rep. Luria was nuclear-trained Surface Warfare Officer in the Navy.
McAdams: Congress’ Resolution Should Be to Fix the National Debt via Deseret News ([link removed])
Rep. Ben McAdams (UT-04) penned an op-ed in Deseret News addressing the urgent need for Congress to promote fiscal responsibility and find a solution through bipartisanship to fix the national debt crisis: “The first step towards fiscal responsibility in Washington is to acknowledge there’s a problem. In 2020, I pledge to continue raising this issue, voting against irresponsible spending and working with Republicans and Democrats to find solutions to putting our fiscal house in order. Future generations are counting on us to fix the debt and strengthen our economy, our communities and our country.”
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