Dear Supporter,
Some things never change.
130 years ago, after the Sierra Club was founded, supporters like you quickly mobilized to protect Yosemite National Park. Since that time, we've secured protections for an incredible 439 national parks and monuments.
Now, 130 years later, these cherished treasured public lands need our help again. Fossil fuel development, rising temperatures, extreme droughts, and anti-environment forces threaten to destroy these irreplaceable wild vistas.
That's why today, we're launching a new urgent campaign to save public lands in 2023, and we're counting on you to help us do it. We need to secure 439 new Wilderness Guardians by Friday, December 22.
Can we help us protect public lands in the coming year?
Renew your support and help us stop polluters and fight climate change that threatens our most cherished public lands. If you respond by Friday, we'll send you this free Sierra Club ball cap as our thanks. Even $5 a month makes a big difference.
The same greedy profiteers that threatened to spoil Yosemite National Park all those years ago live on today.
Together, you and so many other Sierra Club supporters over the last 130 years protected 439 national parks and monuments from being developed and destroyed.
Today, we need your help to make sure those efforts weren't in vain.
Join our campaign to save public lands in 2023 by renewing your support with a monthly gift of just $5. Be one of the 439 sustaining supporters we need to protect these precious places from profiteers.
If you respond by our deadline, we'll send you this Sierra Club ball cap to wear wherever you go, whether on your favorite hike or within your community.
Your support helps us double down on every winning campaign strategy to make sure we win: whether that means mobilizing unyielding pressure in Congress or pushing local and state decision-makers to do the right thing for public lands.
Thanks for joining the fight to save public lands in 2023.
Thanks in advance for your help,

Christine Hill
Senior Campaign Director, Our Wild America
Sierra Club