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Hi John,

We finally made it- the year that apparently lasted for several decades is finally almost over! In the span of 365 days: 5 judges undid 49 years of abortion access, 42 indie clinics closed, 115 fetuses were stolen, 14 states completely banned abortion, BUT millions of dollars were raised for abortion funds as a particularly excellent ‘GET BENT’ to each and every anti-abortion grifter out there! Fa-la-la-fund abortions, motherfuckers.

Getting together for the holidays with your distant uncle sporting his ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ shirt and your memaw who insists on criticizing the color in your hair and each and every tattoo you have can be its own special hell. Teen Vogue has you covered with a guide on how to talk about abortion with your family! Of course, you’ll probably catch us wearing our fave pro-abortion shirts but, ya know, that’s just us.

Clearly not caring about the holiday calendar, some antis seem to be firmly stuck in Halloween and only giving out TRICKS! Fake clinics stay misleading, shaming, and straight up lying to pregnant folks just trying to get some damn abortion care. When you wear a fake lab coat, fake your doctor credibility, and give fake interpretations of ultrasounds, you’re trash. Abortion AF won’t stop sounding the alarm on the danger of fake clinics and talking about ways to fight back with Expose Fake Clinics!

Abortion AF Programs Director, Max, spoke with Choice Network last week about the tactics and lies of fake clinics and the dope work they’ve been doing to offer actual unbiased pregnancy resources to those who need it! Watch the IG live here and show Choice Network some love!

As you settle in to your stretchy pants, spiked eggnog, and get out your candles to light, we’ve got a few opportunities for you to take action and do some pro-abortion holiday good!

Activist Calendar


Manage THIS!
Our friends at Faith Choice Ohio are doing the good work of equipping folks on how to fight back against attacks on abortion and bodily autonomy by learning how to talk about self-managed abortion. Join them virtually for the SMA in Good Faith Training on Tuesday, December 20th from 7 PM - 9 PM ET
, registration link here!

Put Some Presents Under Those Indie Trees!
What better gifts to give this season than to the indie clinics out there doing the damn thing?! We’ve compiled wishlists from indie clinics, abortion funds, and escort groups who could use a little love, and we can’t think of a better way than literally gifting them what they ask for.
You can find their wishlists here- happy gifting!!

Button with the word donate on it

2022 has been a real one, folks. We send our love and thanks to all y’all radical pro-abort feminist buzzkills for sticking with us, and we can’t wait to get into some hijinks and shenanigans with everyone. See you in 2023!  

Team Abortion AF

540 Court St PMB 3012 | Brooklyn, New York 11231 

[email protected]

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