Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

December 18, 2022

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The 2022 Quincy Award for Responsible Statecraft
Awarded to Rosie Torres, Captain LeRoy Torres, & Burn Pits 360

This week, the Quincy Institute presented the Torreses and Burn Pits 360 – the organization they founded together – with the Quincy Award for Responsible Statecraft in recognition of their extraordinary advocacy and relentless pursuit of government accountability for veterans’ illnesses from exposure to toxic burn pits while serving their country in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.



A Restraint Recipe for America’s Asian Alliances and Security Partnerships
By East Asia Director Michael Swaine & Director of Studies Sarang Shidore
Quincy Institute, 12/13/22

As Sino–American relations deteriorate, risks of conflict between Washington and Beijing are growing.


Prudent Statecraft
Featuring Andrew Baecevich, Chairman
In Search of Monsters/ Quincy Institute & Radio Open Source, 12/15/22

Examining the legacy and lessons of John Quincy Adams’ “austere doctrine of restraint."



While MBS Undermines America, Joe Biden Has His Back on Yemen
By Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
MSNBC, 12/15/22

President Biden lobbied against a resolution that would've ended America's complicity in Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen.


Have U.S. Military Programs Made African Countries Less Safe?
Featuring Non-Resident Fellows Samar al-Bulushi, Alex Thurston, & Alden Young and Director of Studies Sarang Shidore
Responsible Statecraft, 12/12/22

We asked 11 experts: How do you assess U.S. security programs in Africa over the last two decades, and what changes would you make to improve relations overall?


How Ukraine Continues to Suprise Russia — and the World
Interview with Anatol Lieven, Eurasia Program Director 
The Mehdi Hasan Show/MSNBC, 12/14/22

The critical question — will Ukraine survive as a sovereign state — has already been settled by its forceful defense. But what comes next?


D.C. Think Tank Puts Hawkish Former Aussie PM on China Center Board
By Eli Clifton, Investigative-Journalist-at-Large
Responsible Statecraft, 12/8/22

Foreign Agent Registration Act experts are asking if the Hudson Institute needs to register as an agent of a foreign principal after appointing Scott Morrison to the advisory board of Hudson's China Center.


U.S. to Send Patriot Missile Defense System to Ukraine
Interview with Senior Research Fellow William Hartung
The World, 12/15/22

Do these provisions signal the U.S. plans to heed Ukraine's calls for more significant military aid — or is Washington attempting to show solidarity while maintaining its refusal to provide weapons that carry an even greater escalatory potential?


Biden, Like Trump Before Him, Derails Effort to End U.S. Support for Saudi War in Yemen 
Interview with Shireen Al-Adeimi, Non-Resident Fellow
Democracy Now!/PBS, 12/16/22 

The situation in Yemen is so volatile that this War Powers Resolution is absolutely essential to ensure that—if there was a resumption of airstrikes—the US wouldn't continue to support the Saudi-led coalition in whatever way they needed.



Military Spending Surges, Creating New Boom for Arms Makers by Eric Lipton, Michael Crowley and John Ismay/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, New York Times, 12/18/22

White House Defends Support for Saudis in Yemen War by Patsy Widakuswara/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Voice of America, 12/16/22

RADIO: Is the White House Causing Americans to Lose Faith in Biden's Foreign Policy? Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The Lars Larson Show/KXL, 12/16/18

Azerbaijan Exploiting Ukraine Distraction to Press Advantage in Armenian Conflict by Junior Research Fellow Artin DerSimonian, Responsible Statecraft, 12/16/22

Diplomacy Watch: Is the Overton Window of the Ukraine War’s End Game Shifting? by Managing Editor Ben Armbruster, Responsible Statecraft, 12/16/22

This DC Party Invite Shows All the Money to be Made off the Ukraine War by Jonathan Guyer/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Vox, 12/16/22

PODCAST: The Delayed Yemen Vote, Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Scott Horton Show, 12/15/22

U.S. Senator Pulls Vote for Yemen War Powers Bill After White House Opposition by Umar Farooq/ Quoted: Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Middle East Eye, 12/14/22

Delayed War Powers Vote Risks Further Suffering in Yemen by Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Responsible Statecraft, 12/14/22

Reports: Biden Making Plans To Send Patriot Missiles to Ukraine by Senior Advisor Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 12/14/22

Letter to the Editor: Cut Defense Spending by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, The New York Times, 12/14/22

While Contractors Make Hundreds of Billions, Military Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Forbes, 12/14/22

Is the White House Completely Truthful About Where Our Troops are Fighting? by Reporter Blaise Malley, Responsible Statecraft, 12/13/22

Many Biden Officials Previously Supported Yemen War Powers Resolution by Reporter Blaise Malley, Responsible Statecraft, 12/13/22

The United States Couldn’t Stop Being Stupid if It Wanted To by Non-Resident Fellow Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy, 12/13/22

TELEVISION: Biden Hosts Summit of 49 African Leaders to Counter China & Russia’s Growing Power Across Continent, Interview with Non-Resident Fellow Samar Al-Bulushi, Democracy Now!, 12/12/22

TELEVISION: On the NDAA/Cited: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, C-SPAN Washington Journal, 12/12/22

Pentagon Profiteers: Executive Compensation in the Arms Industry by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Forbes, 12/12/22

Brittney Griner Swap Puts Spotlight on Americans in Russia by Valerie Hopkins, Anatoly Kurmanaev and Jonathan Abrams/ Quoted: Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, The New York Times, 12/10/22


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