HER Time PAC [[link removed]]
To wrap up our SHIELD Act Weekend of Action, we’re asking you to do these THREE things:
SIGN THE PETITION [[link removed]] >> This is the most important step — please take a moment and add your name demanding Congress take action to make revenge porn a federal crime.
FORWARD THIS EMAIL >> Identify at least five folks in your contact list you can forward this email to (especially if they live in Arkansas, Iowa, or Kentucky!) — and encourage them to forward it on as well!
SHARE THE PETITION ON SOCIAL MEDIA >> You never know which one of your friends or followers are looking to make a difference — you just need to equip them with the chance. Boost the petition link on your feed to spread the word!
Thanks so much for your support – we couldn’t do this without you!
— HER Time
2120 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States
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