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Let's Make the Holidays Bright

The holidays are a time of joy for many of us, but imagine being in financial crisis, and not having the ID necessary to access food pantries, shelters and healthcare. That's what millions of Americans are facing. 

Zelma recently checked in to a homeless shelter in North Carolina with her two young children where she saw a flyer for Spread The Vote + Project ID. Along with helping her to get her ID, a member of our team was happy to take her to the local Housing Authority for a meeting. She's excited that her family is getting a fresh start this holiday season. 

Millions of Americans are living without an ID. This holiday season, you can help individuals like Zelma to get the resources that they need by giving the gift of ID

When you make a donation of $10 or more, we'll send a card to the friend or family member that you designate. Who doesn't want to get a gift that helps someone else? 

As the year draws to a close, we hope that you'll support our efforts and celebrate the successes that you've helped us to achieve. 

Happy Holidays!

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