Your weekly summary from the Council

- This week, the Biden administration announced that it will relaunch the White House Task Force on New Americans.
The Task Force will focus on workforce training, education, and financial access, as well as language skills and the health of immigrants who have green cards and other types of immigration status.
The American Immigration Council co-convenes the Office of New Americans State Network with WES Global Talent Bridge and will be engaging with the new initiative moving forward.
Read more: Office of New Americans (ONA) State Network
This week, bipartisan negotiations between Senators Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) on creating a path to citizenship for Dreamers in exchange for changes to border policy fell through. The short-lived negotiations represent the latest failed attempt by Congress to pass immigration reform—a feat not accomplished in decades.
The deal reportedly included permanent protections for Dreamers, who have lived in uncertainty as years-long court battles over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative continue to play out.
This fact sheet from the American Immigration Council provides an overview of DACA and attempts to dismantle the initiative, as well as its current status.
Read more: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA): An Overview
Individuals held in immigration detention facilities have a right to government records about their detention. Those records can help people learn more about their experience in detention, including abusive treatment, difficulty accessing an attorney, and lack of medical care. These government records also may support a legal claim or complaint against the government, either during or after the person’s time in detention.
One way to obtain this information is through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to a government agency. However, this process is not always straightforward.
This new guide from the American Immigration Council provides an overview of FOIA requirements, information about the types of records government agencies possess, tips about how to request those records, and an overview of what to expect after submitting a request.
Read more: A Guide to Obtaining Detention Records
“The American Immigration Council applauds the announcement that the Biden Administration will relaunch the White House Task Force on New Americans. This effort will provide important federal leadership on immigrant and refugee inclusion issues in consultation with key national, state, and local partners.
Revival of the Task Force has been a priority for the Council and the Office of New Americans (ONA) State Network, which the Council co-convenes with WES Global Talent Bridge, and we look forward to engaging on this initiative moving forward. By identifying best practices from the field and issuing recommendations for policy reform, the Task Force represents an opportunity to make our country more welcoming and accessible to all residents.”
– Rich André, Senior Policy Advisor, State and Local Initiatives, American Immigration Council