đŸ”„ Friends – We wanted to share the light and hope that our progressive Israeli allies bring us in our shared fight for equality, democracy and peace.

Our Israel


Ahead of the first night of Hanukkah, we wanted to share the light and hope that our progressive Israeli friends and allies bring us in our shared fight for equality, democracy and peace.

Especially when times are toughest, their work is an important reminder that we do not travel this path alone -- which is why we’re so committed to spotlighting it.

We hope you’ll take heart and inspiration by reading below about the great work being done by those featured in J Street’s 'Our Israel' profile series.

In the year ahead, J Street’s mission to help defend democracy and protect human rights will be more important than ever. We cannot falter as we in the United States push our government to show stronger leadership in defense of our shared values –- those at the center of the US-Israel relationship –- and in pursuit of a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

If you’ve not yet made an end-of-year contribution to J Street, please consider doing so now to help our team reach our target ahead of 2023. Your contribution of any amount strengthens our critical advocacy work here in the US >> 

P.S. A contribution to J Street funds our work in the United States. If you are moved by the work of our incredible partners, we urge you to visit their websites and make a direct contribution to them as well!

Standing Together

Representatives from Standing Together at the J Street Conference

Strength Through Solidarity

Standing Together is a joint Arab/Jewish progressive advocacy organization that leads thousands of advocates across Israel as they campaign for equal rights, rally against injustice and the occupation and push for fairer wages, better working conditions, and a better future for all Israeli and Palestinian families. The group works to build coalitions and connect political priorities with people’s everyday lives.

“We are tackling racism not only by saying it is wrong, but by creating the politics of shared interests -- a politics that is centered on self-interest, not on morals or abstract values,” co-founder Alon-Lee Green tells J Street. Read the full profile >>

Rabbis for Human Rights

Rabbis for Human Rights Volunteers Harvesting an Olive Tree.

Rabbis Raise Their Voice

Rabbis for Human Rights is an Israeli organization that works throughout Israel and the Occupied Territory to monitor human rights violations, support economic justice and promote interfaith dialogue. Founded over 30 years ago in response to the violation of Palestinian human rights in the Occupied Territories, the organization has expanded to include a number of different initiatives throughout Israel and the West Bank to advance human rights for all.

“As a rabbi, I have to raise my voice. It has meaning to speak up. I represent more than just myself,” Rabbi Ruti Baidatz tells J Street. Read the full profile >>

Save a Child's Heart

Doctor standing over a child in hospital bed

Saving Children, One Heart at a Time

Over the last two decades, Save A Child’s Heart has performed more than 5,400 pediatric cardiac surgeries for children from over 60 developing nations, with approximately half their caseload consisting of Palestinian children from Gaza and the West Bank.

“When you have a Palestinian mother sitting next to an Israeli mother in a waiting room as their children are undergoing pediatric cardiac surgery, you have a bond that’s instantly created,” Executive Director Rabbi David Litwack tells J Street. Read the full profile >>

Jerusalem Open House

Fighting for LGBT+ Equality in Jerusalem

Fighting for LGBT+ Equality in Jerusalem

Tel Aviv holds a reputation as the Middle East’s gay mecca, but in Jerusalem, long-running tensions between religious groups and LGBT+ residents has often led to violence. Jerusalem Open House is a pioneering advocacy, education and organizing hub and launched the city’s first pride parade in 2002.

They also operate the city’s only LGBT+ health clinic and community support center. “We believe that people shouldn’t have to choose between their identities, you can be LGBT+ and a religious person at the same time, there is no contradiction,” Executive Director Alon Shachar tells J Street. Read the full profile >>


The founders of PresenTense

Making the ‘Start-Up Nation’ More Inclusive

PresenTense is an Israeli impact organization that seeks to make entrepreneurship accessible to underprivileged communities across the country. The group has launched a number of business incubators across the country focused on providing the necessary resources for entrepreneurs from the Arab Israeli, Bedouin, and Haredi communities, among others, to start businesses.

“If Israel is to truly be the world’s ‘Startup Nation’ then it must be an inclusive society in which all groups can get a foothold in our entrepreneurial ecosystem,” Khouloud Ayuti, one of the organization’s founders, tells J Street. Read the full profile >>


Advocates from Mehazkim take a selfie while holding up a protest sign.

The Revolution Will Be Digitized

Mehazkim is a progressive digital movement that connects and empowers advocates in the fight for a more just, equal, safe and democratic Israel. They harness the power of social media and -- through digital organizing and mobilizing -- unite the liberal and progressive camp to build political power.

“Revolutions start online,” says Eran Nissan, the Chief Operating Officer of Mehazkim. “Social media not only allows the untold stories of disenfranchised voices and marginalized actors to reach new audiences but also provides the tools to effectively organize both digitally and physically.” Read the full profile >>

Palestinian Internship Program

Stage at a Palestinian Internship Program Conference

Creating the Palestinian Startup Nation

The Palestinian Internship Program connects West Bank Palestinians in the technology sector to companies in Israel and beyond seeking talent. By placing participants in roles where they will contribute to the Israeli tech sector, they can ultimately take what they learned back into the Palestinian business sector.

“Our alumni are pushing the cycle forward. They are providing more jobs and opportunities directly in the Palestinian ecosystem and passing down the skills they gained through their internships to their employees,” says Executive Director Anna Gol. Read the full profile >>

Tzedek Centers

Members of the Tzedek Centers hold signs and march

A Vision for a Shared Society

Tzedek operates community centers throughout Israel that train and build networks of community organizers. From a single center founded six years ago, there are now seven across Israel. The group’s goal is to open one in every city across the country.

“It’s not just the activists or politically engaged, it’s regular people who want their community to be a better place,” Executive Director Lev Littman tells J Street. Read the full profile >>

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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