Open for latest news and events from the Green Party!



We’re in the midst of a winter of discontent. In bitterly cold temperatures, nurses across the country staged a historic walkout - one of many frontline workers currently striking over pay - while opposition grew to the Government ‘s astonishing climate wrecking decision to approve the first UK coalmine in 30 years. Greens were at the forefront of the fight in parliament and communities up and down the country for a fairer greener country. Scroll to find out more 🔽


In 2023, we'll be rolling out a new series of events - Green Talks - where we talk Green solutions to the politics of our generation with expert guests. We'll be discussing what it takes to create a system that puts people and the planet first and a country that is truly green and fair. Find out more about the event series🔽

In the first instalment Tuesday 31 January at 6pm, we're gathering on zoom to discuss how we can fix our broken electoral system. We need electoral reform now. Join Green Peer Natalie Bennett in conversation with co-leader Zack Polanski, Green Councillor Nate Higgins and reps from Make Votes Matter, discussing why proportional representation is the way forward.


Co leader Carla Denyer and peer Jenny Jones visited picket lines in Bristol and London calling on the Government to enter into talks with the Royal College of Nurses. Writing for the Metro, MP Caroline Lucas highlighted that there are tens of thousands of nursing vacancies and they deserved decent conditions and fair pay. 


Deputy leader Zack Polanski joined LBC’s Cross Question and talked about the Green Party’s 10:1 pay ratio policy and growing inequality under the Conservatives. “Under the Tory government we’ve seen champagne at the top and sewage for the rest of us” he said.


Keith Fitton, Chair and coordinator of the Allerdale and Copeland Green Party had a letter in the Guardian refuting the suggestion that “support for the coal mine in Whitehaven comes from politicians of every party locally.” 




Join a National Action Weekend near you! With Caroline Lucas as our MP in parliament, we have seen how powerful even a single Green voice can be in securing change and fighting for climate and social justice.


The more Greens we have in the room the more we can do to secure environmental and social justice for all. That is why 21 and 22 January 2023, we need you to travel to one of our key target constituencies where we are most likely to get the next Green MP elected, and be part of our National Action Weekend.


Will you join us? Sign up to a National Action Weekend near you by clicking the links below 🔽


The Green Party has a vital role to play in putting pressure on the Government in making sure that everyone can enjoy decent conditions and fair pay. Did you know that you can help us hold the government to account without becoming a member? Our Green Friends are a key part of our movement, giving a monthly contribution to support our work on climate action and getting exclusive access to events and discounts. But they are not party members and can continue to be politically unaffiliated or remain as members of other parties. Whatever you are, be Green too 💚

-- The Green Party