They know she’s powerful.

Ilhan for Congress

Have you heard?

Kevin McCarthy has threatened my colleague and friend, Ilhan Omar — promising to kick her off of the Foreign Affairs Committee and stoking the flames of hatred and division.

Islamophobia has no place in our country or our government. Ilhan Omar is a dedicated Congresswoman and leader within our Progressive Caucus. But from the very first moment she arrived in Washington, the Republican Party has weaponized xenophobia and racism to undermine her voice.

In response to an election where more progressives were elected to Congress than ever before, McCarthy is attacking Ilhan, an outspoken, progressive woman of color, because he’s afraid. He knows we are powerful when we stand together.

It’s clear to me that Kevin McCarthy did not hear the American people when they unequivocally rejected MAGA extremism and hatred in the midterms. But we will make sure he remembers it.

I will not stand for his intimidation tactics or his party’s hateful agenda. When the GOP assumes control of the House, we must be ready to fight back — which means your support now will put us in a stronger position.

Can you rush a donation of $5, or any amount, split between Ilhan and myself today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will immediately be split between Pramila Jayapal and Ilhan Omar:

Kevin McCarthy and the GOP have no plans to help real working people, just the Republican donors that prop up their campaigns cycle after cycle.

This latest move is a crystal clear distraction from addressing the struggles of everyday Americans — like the soaring cost of rent, inability to access quality healthcare, or stress of working in a job that doesn’t pay a livable wage.

The Republicans pander to hate and fear because all they care about is gaining power – we care about gaining justice. That’s what Ilhan fights for every day in Congress. I am proud to work alongside her in our Progressive Caucus and demand the transformative policies we know will make a difference.

Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, affordable housing, humane immigration reform, bold climate action, complete student debt relief, a guaranteed living wage, and more — that is the future we are fighting for together.

It’s important that we maintain our progressive coalition’s strength, even in the face of a GOP-controlled House.

I hope you’ll consider splitting a donation between Ilhan and me as we prepare for the next session of Congress. Will you stand together with us?

In solidarity,

Pramila Jayapal

(Sent from my iPhone)