News from Congressman Andy Biggs


The Week in Review

I hope everyone has had a great week. Read below to see what I’ve been working on! 

THIS TUESDAY: Taxpayer Advocate Service Event in Gilbert 

This Tuesday, I will be bringing in representatives from the Taxpayer Advocate Service to provide on-site assistance for constituents in the Fifth Congressional District. They will ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and understands their rights. They will help you if you have unresolved tax problems. Hope to see you there!

When: Tuesday, December 20, from 1 to 5 pm AZ Time

Where: Southeast Regional Library (Study Room 1 and 2) 775 N Greenfield Rd Gilbert, AZ 85234

What: On-site assistance from the Taxpayer Advocate Service to help with tax problems that you can’t resolve on your own. 


Impeaching Secretary Mayorkas Press Conference 

On Tuesday, I led a press conference regarding the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in the 118th Congress. I was the first member of Congress to introduce articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas, introducing them in August 2021 after concluding that Secretary Mayorkas’ dereliction of duty in protecting our nation’s borders constituted high crimes and misdemeanors.

I expect the House Judiciary Committee to open an impeachment inquiry in the 118th Congress, conduct a formal investigation, and finally proceed to impeach him.

Nearly 20 members of Congress and former Trump Administration immigration officials provided remarks and advocated for the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas. Click below to watch a recap of the press conference.

Insert screenshot of CSPAN link.


The GOP Requires a Stronger House Speaker 


This week, The Washington Examiner published my latest opinion editorial on why the Republican Party requires a stronger House speaker. My disagreements with Kevin McCarthy are rooted in my desire for a stronger, better Republican Party, one that prioritizes the needs of our voters, resists the pull of establishment influences, and is unified in both its ideological and political goals. That’s the kind of party that can set this nation back on the right track.

McCarthy doesn’t have the 218 votes needed to become the next Speaker of the House and he will never get them. It’s time to change the status quo. 

The piece may be read here. 


New Legislation to Lower Energy Prices

On Wednesday, I introduced the Federal Land Freedom Act. This legislation would empower states to control the development and production of all forms of energy on all available federal land within their state boundaries. It would also cut red tape that hinders a state’s ability to develop energy resources on federal land.  

The Biden Administration has launched a war on American energy so states must take matters into their own hands.  My legislation would help states increase energy production by eliminating overbearing bureaucratic red tape and expanding available land for energy production.

America offers robust energy resources. They must be used to help curb inflation and make the nation energy independent again.

For years, Senator Inhofe has championed this bill in the Senate. His leadership on energy issues will be missed in the new Congress. I’m grateful for the opportunity to lead this important legislation in the House of Representatives.

Co-sponsors include: Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (R-WA), Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT), Representative Stephanie Bice (R-OK), and Representative Paul A. Gosar DDS (R-AZ). 

The legislation may be read here.

The Washington Times covered my legislation here.

Combating Myths from “The Evolution of Anti-Democratic Extremist Groups and the Ongoing Threat to Democracy” Hearing

On Wednesday, the House Oversight and Reform Committee held a hearing titled “The Evolution of Anti-Democratic Extremist Groups and the Ongoing Threat to Democracy.” 

I spoke about the necessity to combat evil on both sides of the political spectrum, but Democrats continue to only smear Republicans as extremists and threats to Democracy. 

Payton Gendron, the individual who committed a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, this past June was a well-documented socialist and eco-fascist. He repeatedly attacked Rupert Murdoch of Fox News and the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro with pejorative terms. 

Similarly, the Paul Pelosi attacker, David Dupape, was a radical leftist who experts believe committed the attack as a ‘result’ of Republican rhetoric and ‘MAGA terrorism.’ 

We have to address evil when evil occurs. We cannot point fingers at just one side. Click the image below to see some of my remarks from the hearing. 


Protecting Our Second Amendment Rights

Yesterday, I served as the Ranking Member in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security hearing titled The Search for Bipartisan Solutions to Gun Violence.

Despite the title of the hearing, there hasn't been an honest engagement and search for bipartisan solutions to gun violence.

This is mostly because there's only one solution for my friends across the aisle and that is to emasculate the Second Amendment and remove guns from legal, lawful, and law abiding citizens.

My colleagues across the aisle would like to ignore the connection between adolescent males growing up without their fathers and these violent events. 

And yet, studies indicate very clearly there is a significant correlation and probably a causative effect.

It’s important to look at root causes for this violence and not focus solely on taking away Second Amendment constitutionally protected rights.

Click the image below to see some of my remarks.


Letters and Legislation

Bills Sponsored

HR. 9535 – Federal Land Freedom Act

Bills Cosponsored

H.J.Res. 102 - Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Veterans Affairs relating to "Reproductive Health Services".

My America First Contract 

House Republicans will need to immediately reverse the Democrats’ disastrous policies to get our country back in good shape come January. 

My America First Contract is an outline to reduce inflation and strengthen the economy, secure our border, restore transparency and parental choice in education, reduce violent crime and preserve the rule of law, restore election integrity, break up Big Tech, put America First in foreign, energy, and trade policies, and reinstate good government practices. 


In addition to achieving these eight goals, the plan calls on conducting enhanced oversight and using available leverages to stop the abuse of power from President Biden in 2023. I will introduce legislation supporting each area of the plan within the first 100 days of the next Congressional term and will work with my colleagues to bring that legislation up for consideration in the House.


The full contract may be read here



Alien Invasion Border Documentary 

I recently released my new border documentary titled Alien Invasion. The 30-minute documentary features footage from private ranches along the border, the Darien Gap in Panama, and interviews with members of Congress, Border Patrol, local and state law enforcement, and much more. It addresses how President Biden’s border crisis began, its consequences, and solutions to address the crisis.  

The border documentary may be watched here


Top Media Appearances of the Week


I joined Fox News’s Todd Piro and Carley Shimkus to discuss why Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas should be impeached in the 118th Congress and what the process would look like. Click below to watch some of the segment. 




I joined One America News’s Addison Smith to recap my “Impeach Mayorkas” press conference at the U.S. Capitol Building and further explain why he needs to be impeached.  Click below to watch some of the segment.



I joined Congressman Matt Gaetz’s Firebrand podcast to discuss the Speaker’s race and to clear up any myths the McCarthy Machine has put about my run. Click below to watch some of the segment.

Insert Firebrand podcast screenshot. 


Constituent Services 


Would you like to purchase a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol?  Flags flown over the Capitol include a certificate, which may be personalized for a particular person, event, or organization. Click here to learn more about purchasing a flag.

If you or someone you know is interested in completing an internship in either my Mesa or Washington, D.C. office, they can apply directly on my 


Help With a Federal Agency 
If you can't get an answer from a federal agency in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, my office may be able to help resolve a problem or get you the information you need. For example, my office routinely helps constituents with issues involving the Veterans Administration, the IRS, the Social Security Administration, the State Department, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.  You can learn more by visiting my 

Click here to find out more information about my office’s services.


Tours and Tickets

Interested in touring the White House or U.S. Capitol? As constituents of the Fifth Congressional District, you may request tickets and tours for various Washington D.C. destinations from my office. 

All tickets are provided to constituents on a first-come, first-served basis, so request tickets early.

Click here for more information. 


Definition of the Week

This week, Republican lawmakers from the Republican Governance Group wore “OK” (Only Kevin) buttons in support of Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker.

The American people deserve better than just an “OK” House Speaker. They deserve an exceptional House Speaker.


Inspired by these buttons, here’s the definition of the week:

OK”: Only Kevin. Only Average. 




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