Lame Missile Attack Underscores
Importance of Trump’s Decision

By Brigitte Gabriel
Originally Published by Western Free Press
In the aftermath of President Trump’s decision to target Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in a precision airstrike at the Baghdad Airport, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran was going to directly attack American interests.
Some media figures and members of the opposition instantly pounced on the President, characterizing the strike on Soleimani, Kata’ib Hezbollah Commander Abu Hadi al-Muhandis and 13 others in Iraq as a “strategic failure” or “escalation.” Now that the dust has settled on Iran’s unsuccessful retaliatory strike, it’s clear that the pundits and politicians of the U.S. foreign policy establishment were wrong, yet again.
The reality is, President’s Trump’s decision to assassinate the architect of Iranian-back terrorism who was billed by Tehran as invincible was such a show of force that it has left the Iranian regime with no real recourse other than to deal with a growing informant problem, a deep leadership vacuum that will not be easily filled and massive insecurity threatening the region’s nodes of power. For these reasons, it’s highly likely that Iran intended to avoid U.S. casualties during their missile attack in Iraq.
The death of Qassem Soleimani who commanded a multinational army operating across the Middle East on behalf of the Iranian revolutionary regime, has already demoralized the regime and is forcing them to confront a litany of problems that can’t be resolved quickly...