Small monthly donations from supporters like you were a major reason why Cory was able to travel across the country this year to help defend every incumbent Senate Democrat in their re-election campaigns. But now, we have a problem:

John, we’ll get straight to the point:

Small monthly donations from supporters like you were a major reason why Cory was able to travel across the country this year to help defend every incumbent Senate Democrat in their re-election campaigns. But now, we have a problem:

Our donations have dropped significantly since your incredible support for last month’s midterm election, but the truth is we still need the resources to begin laying the groundwork now to defend our majority once again in 2024.

John, we’re asking you directly: Will you begin making a small monthly donation of $5, $10, or whatever feels right to you to keep Cory on the road building the foundation to defend our majority from Mitch McConnell in 2024?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your monthly donation to Cory Booker will go through immediately:

Cory’s monthly supporters played a major role in this election. This was the first election since 1934 in which Democrats did not lose a single seat during their incumbent president’s midterm — proof that with the proper resources and support, we can take our record of accomplishments from the past two years to the American people and win.

Cory and our Democratic Senate majority took bold action to solve the multitude of issues our country faces today. The American people saw Mitch McConnell’s cynical tactics to block our progress. And you said, clearly, that we need to keep our progress going.

That work only grows more important now that election ads aren’t blanketing the airwaves and the work of preparing for the next election begins.

So John, start making a $5 monthly donation today. Cory doesn’t take contributions from Big Pharma or fossil fuel executives, or corporate lobbyists. He’s counting on support from people like you.

When you contribute $5, and the next person reading this contributes $5, that is how we build a movement to compete with McConnell’s super PACs and billionaire friends.

Thank you,

— Team Booker