Our 2023 edition of Your Green Life is full of practical ideas about how to inspire conversations, green life changes, and community building across families, however tight-knit or far-flung they may be.
As always, Green America encourages readers and excited Earth advocates to make changes where they are.
This can include voting with our dollars, which shows companies, our social circles, and policymakers what we find important.
While we cannot buy our way out of the climate crisis or systemic injustice, our choices matter as we push corporations, governments, and other systems to be better.
In Your Green Life we explore how to harness the power and strength of our connections with given and chosen family to find greener ways of living that make our homes, communities, and the world itself safer, healthier, and more just.
Did you know Green America publishes an annual guide to green living? Our members say it is their favorite benefit!
Donate today to support our work to make a just, inclusive economy, one that works for all, and get a one-year subscription to our Green American magazine, including our guide to Your Green Life.
Plus your donation will be MATCHED dollar-for-dollar and we'll thank you with a free "I am a Green American" compact tote — made from 100% recycled water bottles.
Here are a few articles from Your Green Life you don't want to miss:
- "Shopping for Ethical Eggs": Purchasing responsible eggs has turned into a multiple-choice test but our Egg-Buying Guide is here to help!
- Going vegan is about much more than food. In the article, “The Truth About Vegan Leather” we explore why and how to choose responsibly sourced vegan faux leather.