Yes, it's worse than we even thought. Absolute treachery. This is a monumental scandal made possible by, ironically enough, the Patriot Act. This is the scale of corrupt political compromise on both sides of the DC dynamic that we are up against. ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Yes, it's worse than we even thought. Absolute treachery. This is a monumental scandal made possible by, ironically enough, the Patriot Act. Newest 'Twitter Files' release reveals platform's 'constant and pervasive' dealings with FBI

“This is ...

Hear Freedom Ring! Pamela Geller is Back on Twitter
Here's hoping my quarter of million followers are restored as well.

Thank you, Elon Musk!

Hey gang, join me there. Again.

Feds Open Investigation Into ‘Deep-Seated Anti-Semitic Discrimination’ at Berkeley Law School
Why just Berkeley? It's every college and university in the country. Harvard University ranks first in antisemitism.

My colleagues and I, passionate, proud Jews, have long been banned from colleges and universities while American Jewish ...

Subterfuge: FBI Whistleblower Exposes Bureau Coverup of Jan. 6 Obsession Sidelining Other Investigations
An FBI whistleblower has accused FBI brass of forcing agents to cook the books to conceal the number of manhours devoted to the Jan. 6 investigation and inflate time spent on other cases. …the subterfuge is intended to bolster the bureau’s ...

Whistleblower: CIA Involvement in JFK Assassination
“Did the CIA have a hand in killing JFK?”

Security Source: “The answer is yes, I believe they were involved. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was.

In President Dwight D Eisenhower's farewell address, he warned ...

Twitter Suspends Reporters from CNN, NYT, WaPo for ‘Doxxing’ Musk’s Family
Thwe left has been doxxing us, taregrting us and suspended us for years. It has never happened to them.

Twitter Suspends Reporters from CNN, NYT, WaPo for ‘Doxxing’ Musk’s Family

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, December 15, 2022:

On ...

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