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Enough Is Enough
At the end of the first full week of 2020, there are blessings to count: No American or Iraqi lives were lost in Iran's retaliatory strike on Iraqi bases housing U.S. and coalition forces, in the wake of the Trump administration's killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani. While the conflict is far from resolved, there has been no further military escalation so far. On the homefront, this crisis has spurred the U.S. House of Representatives to take the long-overdue step of exercising its constitutional authority in matters of war, voting to limit the president's ability to act without the consent of Congress. As CAP's Neera Tanden stated yesterday, "[President Trump's] go-it-alone strategy has made the world a more dangerous place. Once the resolution has passed the House, the Senate should swiftly follow suit."

But congressional oversight shouldn't end there. Here are three additional recommendations from CAP's national security experts:
  • The House and Senate should bring in members of the Trump administration to lay out their Iran strategy—and do so publicly. The American people deserve to know what is going on.
  • Congress should go beyond this week's vote to limit unilateral action and take steps to block funding for yet another war.
  • Congress should assert itself more when it comes to other wars, including the war in Afghanistan that started the unending Authorization for Use of Military Force. After 18 years, enough is enough.
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CAP in the News

USA Today
Iran may stand down, as Trump says, but cyber and terror attacks are the real threat, op-ed by CAP's Brian Katulis and Peter Juul

The Guardian
Trump sparked the Iran crisis. Now he must walk away from the brink of war, op-ed by CAP's Michael Fuchs

Troubled History of U.S.-Iran Relations, op-ed by CAP's Lawrence J. Korb

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