We all want to see the young adults in our lives—whether friends (in my case as a Gen Z’er), or adult children or adult grandchildren—harness their gifts and talents and flourish in life.

Unfortunately, so many people in our rising generations are hampered by lies told in our media and in our education systems, lies such as: “You don’t have agency,” or “The government will step in to serve your every wish.”

As a result, so many young people suffer from dependency, especially dependency on the government. Their own creativity, talents, enterprise, and ability to work with others non-governmentally are stifled in the process.

Their own flourishing suffers as a result, and our constitutional government—which requires an active and self-reliant citizenry—risks being fundamentally transformed for the worst.

To change the trajectory of our rising generations, we need to change the cultural messages they are inundated with. With the media in particular sharing pro-socialist, pro-Big Government messages non-stop, we decided to launch our award-winning YouTube series, Love Gov, back in 2015.

Now on our Third Season, Love Gov satirizes Big Government and illustrates to millions of young people the danger and folly of relying on the government to fulfill their every desire. Importantly, it reconnects young people with their enterprising potential: they can solve great challenges themselves, non-governmentally.

As you know, solving challenges non-governmentally is at the heart of everything we do at the Independent Institute.

Our just-released Third Season: The Metaverse of Madness focuses on the red-hot topic of education. It skewers Critical Race Theory indoctrination, and the perverse self-interestedness of the teachers’ unions.

Most of all, our series reminds young parents that they are in charge of their children’s education. If they don’t like what is going on, there are other avenues available. Our protagonists, young parents and teachers, choose to leave their failing public school and start their own private micro-school, providing much greater accountability, curricular control, and successful learning outcomes.

Already, we have achieved over 1,000,000 views of Season 3, the vast majority of which are being generated from mainstream young people. And across all seasons, we have achieved over 47 million views and 42 film awards and laurels.

Millions of other young parents need to encounter Love Gov, and we have ambitious plans for sharing this critical new season with them in 2023. We need your support in order to achieve 5,000,000 new views and beyond in the new year.

With the calendar year end close at hand, we hope you will consider supporting our work to change the culture and change the course of our rising generations.

Thank you so much for your consideration.
Empower the Rising Generations
With best wishes for the new year,

Jacob Turnose
Associate Director of Development
Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 632-1366
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100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428
(510) 632-1366

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