A Step Forward for Agriculture Labor Reform

This week, the Senate introduced its version of my comprehensive agriculture labor reform bill, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. This is great news and gets us one step closer to securing legal, reliable labor for our nation's producers.

I am proud to work with my Senate colleagues to introduce this legislation and help those who feed our nation. It is critical we pass this legislation to secure our food supply for our farmers, our families, and our country.

Read More in AgriPulse

Representing Central Washington's Farmers

It was a pleasure to meet with Washington Farm Bureau President, Rosella Mosby, this week to talk about 2023 priorities and the work I am doing for Central Washington's farmers in Congress.

Ensuring our farmers and producers have the resources they need to feed America, such as labor, disaster relief aid, and representation in the 2023 Farm Bill are some of my top priorities going into the 118th Congress. I am looking forward to continuing to work for the hard-working men and women of Central Washington in the New Year!

Thank you, Sophia and Jordan!

Today was our fall interns' last day in my office. Sophia and Jordan have been crucial members of our team, giving tours, speaking with constituents, and helping our legislative and communications shops. Both Washington natives, their dedication to their community is inspirational and is setting them up to be great future leaders.

We are sad to see them go, but I am confident they will do great things in the future. Best of luck to them both as they finish out the school year!

100,000 Fentanyl Pills Stopped from Being Spread into Our Communities, Thanks to Our Local Police

Tri-Cities local police officers intercepted over 100,000 fentanyl-laced pills from being distributed into our communities this week. Their diligent work will save many lives from this terrible drug that is being trafficked over our southern border.

I will continue to urge the Biden Administration to secure our border to protect our communities and ensure our friends and families remain safe.

Read More in the Tri-City Herald

Looking Back on 2022

As we near the end of 2022, I want to take a moment to look back on some of the work I've done in Congress for our district. From passing landmark legislation to securing critical funds for projects in our communities, we've accomplished a lot.

Read More in The Grand Coulee Star

Season of Sharing aims to brighten holidays

The Season of Sharing series gives Yakima Herald-Republic readers an opportunity to bring joy to families in need over the holidays. The effort is a collaboration between the Herald-Republic and Triumph, which provides outpatient treatment and counseling as well as housing and residential treatment programs for people struggling with addiction, including services specifically tailored to pregnant and parenting women.

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Hanford workers raise $22,000 for toys and bikes for Tri-Cities children

Santa will come through with presents for hundreds of Tri-Cities area children, thanks to the workers at the Hanford nuclear reservation vitrification plant. They donated $22,000 in toys and cash to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves' Toys for Tot s and union Local 598's Bike for Times campaign.

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It is an honor and a privilege to serve you in Congress. To stay up to date on how I am working to represent Central Washington, I encourage you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also find regular updates on my website.

Dan Newhouse
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