It’s been a big year! So big, we created a video to capture some of its highlights.
The journey hasn’t been easy. For those who care deeply about animals—like you and me—some of the news that broke this year has been tough to take.
But through it all, you showed up.
When avian influenza struck flocks of birds around the world and the chicken industry made headlines for roasting millions of birds alive, you were there. You took action to demand an end to the use of ventilation shutdown plus (VSD+)—a horrifying method of mass killing—and sent a powerful message that this cruelty cannot continue.
When Proposition 12—considered the world’s strongest animal welfare law—took effect in California, you celebrated with us. We felt hopeful for the countless egg-laying hens, pigs, and calves who’d be freed from a life of intensive confinement. Then, when the pig industry tried to strike down Prop 12, just to keep mother pigs locked in cages, we defended it at the US Supreme Court—and you were with us, every moment along the way.
You and I have seen what our broken food system does to animals—and the cruel practices it defends. And you didn’t turn away.
In a year that brought challenges both to our economy and to our movement, changemakers like you demonstrated your compassion, resilience, and strength more than ever before.
Because of you, the number of hens who will no longer have to spend their lives in a tiny cage has nearly doubled over the last five years.
Because of you, over 500 companies have pledged to end the worst abuses chickens endure on factory farms.
Because of you, food corporations are learning that making a promise to do better for animals isn’t good enough—they also have to follow through. And together, we’ll keep making sure companies keep their word.
The momentum is building, but there’s still so much work to be done. Right now, every dollar you give will be matched to help spare animals from extreme suffering. Will you join us in building a more compassionate future?
As I look ahead to 2023, I am in awe of all we’ve accomplished together—and I remain inspired by your dedication to creating a kinder world.
For the animals,

Vicky Bond
President |