Dear John,
This holiday season, please help us prevent at least 32 billion single-use plastic bottles from being distributed to communities across the U.S. Yes, you read that right—32 BILLION! And thanks to a generous donor, all gifts before December 31st will be matched up to $100,000,
doubling your impact so we can continue this critical work.
The Biden Administration has approved $15 billion to address lead pipes that have been polluting U.S. drinking water for decades. This task will take an estimated 10 years to complete, and Plastic Pollution Coalition needs your help to advocate for distribution of filtered, not bottled, water during
the project. Providing families with filters for use in their homes will prevent an estimate of at least 32 billion single-use plastic bottles from being distributed across the U.S.!
Your support will also help Plastic Pollution Coalition and our allies push for replacing lead pipes with safer materials—such as recycled copper—and not toxic plastic, as well as provide advocacy tools and support to impacted communities.
Let’s not trade one toxic problem for another. When you give
today, your support is doubled and you help advocate for the prevention of a mountain of plastic waste and safe pipe materials that can increase clean water access for families across the country during lead pipe replacement.
Thank you for all you do to stop plastic pollution. Together we can create a more just, equitable world free from plastic and its toxic impacts.
With warmth and gratitude, 
Julia Cohen, MPH Co-Founder & Managing Director Plastic Pollution Coalition
P.S. John, double your gift today to Filtered Not Bottled and other campaigns to support a plastic-free environment for families and communities across the globe. |