Hey everybody,
If you’re reading this, you did it! You made it to the end of 2022.
When looking back at the year, there was a lot of bad news, but we always like to end on a high note: This year, we saw real progress as a result of our hard work, from protecting gay marriage, taking the most important action on climate in history, and of course, winning a whole bunch of elections at every level that will set us up to build on that progress.
We wanted to say thank you to every person reading this who stepped up, stopped scrolling, and volunteered, donated, organized, called, texted, emailed, and left it all on the field.
We’re pretty damn proud of this community, and we hope you feel proud of the part you’ve played, so we wanted to take a little bit of time to celebrate and quantify those accomplishments.
Our work this cycle contributed towards winning 6 Governors seats, 5 Senate Seats, 34 House Seats, 3 Secretaries of State, and 4 Attorneys General. You all did that by signing up for 49,100 volunteer shifts and raising more than $5.7 million dollars—both more than double our 2018 totals. What’s more, you all dealt another blow against the anti-democratic movement that stands against the kind of country we want to live in.
Check out all of these wins and more, and pat yourselves on the back for another vote-y save-y year.