Notes from Mike's Desk from the Week of December 12 – 16, 2022
Hello, friends! Welcome back to my newsletter highlighting what’s happening on Capitol Hill and in Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District. Thank you for subscribing and please consider recommending my newsletter to a friend.
This week, tragedy struck across Louisiana as multiple tornados and dangerous storms blew through our state. There were three total fatalities and significant property damage in Caddo and Union Parishes, in particular. Our prayers remain with the families and friends of all those affected.
Even though Democrats have already spent trillions this year on their out-of-touch priorities—and neglected completely the actual crises they’ve created—this week, they’re at it again.
The American people just elected Republicans to the majority in the House, yet Democrats are trying to jam through a year-long spending bill. By cutting Republicans out of the process, the current majority party is subverting the will of the people, forcing another thousand-page bill full of liberal wish list fantasies on the American people. I will not vote to help extend the Democrats’ reign of destruction on the American people.
This week, we bid farewell to our group of fall interns in our Washington, D.C. office. If you’ve called the office over the past three months, there’s a good chance you’ve spoken to one of them! Ryan, Hala, and Arthur did exceptional work for our district and its people this term, and it will be fun to see what God has in store for each of them next.
On Tuesday, our friends from Americans for Prosperity stopped by my office for a visit. I was honored to receive the 2022 Pioneers for Prosperity Award, which recognizes Members who are committed to offering commonsense solutions here in Washington, D.C.
Over the weekend, my good friend Tom Arceneaux was elected as the mayor of Shreveport. It was the first time in more than 20 years that Shreveport has elected a Republican mayor, and only the third time it’s happened since reconstruction.
But Tom’s party shouldn’t be the focus here. He worked hard to earn the support of the entire Shreveport community and built a large coalition of support to win, earning the endorsement of Shreveport’s last 3 Democrat mayors, Republican city council members, and independents alike. Congratulations my friend!
Thank you again for subscribing and reading. Many blessings to all as you make final preparations for the celebration of Christmas!
In your service,