Republicans have a plan to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare’s earned benefits next year. They will refuse to raise the debt ceiling — triggering a catastrophic global recession — unless Democrats agree to benefit cuts.
This plan isn’t a secret. Top House Republicans are openly discussing it, as is Senator John Thune (R-SD), Mitch McConnell’s top lieutenant.
Democrats can stop this scheme by raising the debt ceiling before the end of 2022, while they still have control of both chambers of Congress. We need to crank up the pressure―can you make a call to your members of Congress right now, and demand that they lift the debt ceiling before the end of the year?
Text DEBT to 76021 to be connected to your members of Congress right away!
Sample script:
“Hi, my name is [Name]. I live in [State] and I’m calling to urge [Senator/Representative] to protect Social Security and Medicare by raising the debt ceiling before the end of the year.
If the debt ceiling is kicked down the road to next year, Social Security and Medicare will be in serious danger. Some members of Congress are openly discussing their plans to use the debt ceiling as leverage to force cuts to our earned benefits. [Talk about why Social Security and Medicare are so important to you and your friends/family.]
Can I count on the [Senator/Representative] to protect Social Security and Medicare by doing everything in their power to raise the debt ceiling before the end of 2022?”
After you’ve made your call, reply to this email and let me know what the staffer you spoke with said.
Thank you!
Michael Phelan
Social Security Works
P.S. Can you also make a donation to fuel our fight to keep Social Security strong? We don’t have big corporate donors―our operating budget comes from people like you, donating $5 and $10 at a time.