![]() Patriot, The U.S. House and Senate are racing to cut a deal to pass a massive “omnibus” spending bill to keep the government running through September 2023, on the Lame Duck Democrats’ own terms. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is reportedly saying he will do everything possible to prevent this from happening. He claims he wants to pass a short-term spending bill that will allow Congress next year to negotiate a budget deal on bipartisan terms after the Republicans take over the House in January. But considering Republicans’ big spending of the past, we can’t afford to simply trust him, and you shouldn’t either. As of this morning, Senate and House leaders still don’t have a deal. Let’s help it stay that way. This is the same song and dance we’ve seen from Congress, year after year. It keeps happening because they get away with it. Years ago, Republicans said they had “done away” with earmarks in the budget. But as Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) recently noted, the budget deal they’re working on right now has thousands of earmarks – sweetheart deals for the same congressmen who foist these special interest subsidies on the taxpayers, all being negotiated behind closed doors. Bloomberg Government reported a total of 7,509 earmarks totaling $16,012,972,565! And seven of the top ten “earmarkers” in the Senate are Republicans . . . the same Republicans who claim to be fiscally conservative. Bloomberg Government explained “powerful” retiring
senators would be some of the “biggest winners” if negotiators can reach a deal on the omnibus. This list includes Senate Appropriations
Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) with $213 million in earmarks, Vice Chairman Richard Shelby (R-AL) with $656 million in earmarks, Senate Armed Services
ranking member Jim Inhofe (R-OK) with $511 million in earmarks, and Roy Blunt (R-MO) with $350 million in earmarks. Many of the earmarks are for road repair or construction, but many more are for community centers, local non-profits (including the YMCA) and even for license plate readers in Baltimore. The list goes on and on and on … $16 BILLION of taxpayer money and U.S. government debt more! And that’s all a drop in the bucket compared to what else is on their wish list the Congress is ramming through at the last minute before the holidays while many Americans aren’t watching. We must tell our U.S. Senators right
now: No compromising on liberty, no earmarks, no more bloated backroom budget deals! This is their last chance to pass the radical statist goodies they’ve wanted for the past two years, things like: >>>
$38 billion more for Ukraine. This is on top of the tens of billions we the taxpayers have already squandered in Ukraine, perpetuating our
proxy war that has devastated the country and does nothing to actually help the Ukrainian people. >>> Billions more for the IRS. The government already funded the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents this year in the falsely named “Inflation Reduction Act.” Now they will want even more money to harass American taxpayers and extract your money with deadly force. >>> The Electoral Count Reform Act, which would prohibit state legislatures from choosing their slate of electors and transfer that power to governors. This is in violation of the U.S. Constitution, which specifies that the state legislatures shall direct the manner of appointing electors. >>> Funding drag shows in Ecuador. And there are plenty of earmarks for even more radical left-wing ideology in the bill. Keep in mind: they punted for a week in order to negotiate on thousands of requested earmarks. . . and most senators and representatives aren't privy to the negotiations, much less American taxpayers. Yet they don't want to punt for three weeks to give the American people their voice. We need transparency, and the bill should be published for several weeks for all in Congress and anyone in America to see what is in the bill. Because this is so urgent, we need you to take a moment to call your Senators today. Just call (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your U.S. Senators (either one first, then the other). Here is a simple script: Hi, this
is (your name) calling from (your city). I’m calling to ask you to OPPOSE passing a budget deal right now. This is a Lame Duck Congress, and the budget deal they’re working on right now includes THOUSANDS of earmarks for more spending than ever before. This is absolutely the wrong direction for America. We need LESS wasteful government spending, and the American people just voted for a new Congress. THEY should pass a budget AFTER they convene in January – NOT NOW. Thank you. Remember, thanks to your petitions, emails, and phone calls, we were able to remove some of the most dangerous aspects of the National Defense Authorization Act. You and I MUST continue to keep up the pressure on our lawmakers. Call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 and tell them right now: No compromising on liberty, no earmarks, no more bloated backroom budget deals! And if you can, please chip in a generous contribution to help us close out this year with another victory. Can we count on your support of $100, or even $50 or $25? This could be the last battle of 2022. Let’s finish strong! Thanks for all you do, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Congress is scrambling to pass this massive “omnibus” budget scheme, but with enough pushback from We the People, we can expose and remove some of its most odious provisions. If you support the important work Campaign for Liberty does to expose, fight, and defeat this statist scheme and so many more, please support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution. Whether you can contribute $1,000 or $100 … $500 or $50, $100 or $25, these reckless spending schemes will harm us all. So please contribute what you can afford. Thank you so much! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote
and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign
policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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