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Dear partner of the Quincy Institute,

It's been a tough year on the international front. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has not only brought war to Europe, but has also made the risk of nuclear war a distinct reality once more. As a result, the Pentagon budget has ballooned, space for diplomacy has decreased, and the war hawks in Washington have regained the initiative.

But things are changing.

While diplomacy had become a dirty word in Washington, it is now gaining favor. The Biden administration has started carefully calibrated talks with Moscow. Lawmakers have signaled their support. General Milley has publicly urged both sides to "seize the moment" to find an end to the war. And perhaps most importantly, there was no backlash against the White House for engaging in talks.

The Quincy Institute has been on the front lines creating political space for this diplomacy.

Much work remains. Ending the war and establishing an equitable and sustainable peace lies in the interest of the United States, as well as Ukraine, and the stakes could not be higher. We cannot do this without your support.

Please consider including the Quincy Institute in your end-of-year philanthropy, so that we can continue to stand up to those who always prefer confrontation, escalation and military solutions. Invest in peace by making a tax-deductible donation today!

Wishing you and your loved ones—and everyone—peace this holiday season.

Trita Parsi
Founder and Executive VP
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