Gateway Pundit posted my interview with Joe Hoft on his radio show. Here are some of the highlights:
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“Freedom of Speech is the Foundation of a Free Society and Without it a Tyrant Can Wreak Havoc Unopposed While His Opponents Are Silenced”
Gateway Pundit posted my interview with Joe Hoft on his radio show. Here are some of the highlights:

“Freedom of Speech is the Foundation of a Free Society and Without it a Tyrant Can Wreak Havoc Unopposed While His Opponents Are ...

Democrats Move to Lower Voting Age To 16, Child Rigging Begins
Their brains aren't fully formed yet. The more malleable, the better. Apparently the millions of illegals they are importing isn';t enough.

The Federalist reports: Democrats Court Their Newest Voting Bloc: High Schoolers

Think ...

Twitter Employee Sentenced to 3.5 years For Spying, Acting As Foreign Agent
Reality is making all those 'right wing conspiracy theories” pale in comparison.

Related:Twitter Still Has MANY ex FBI/CIA Agents in High Ranking Positions

An ex-Twitter employee was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for spying

By: ...

Pamela Geller on the Joe Hoft Show Discussing Free Speech
Tune in this afternoon when Joe Hoft of Gateway Pundit interviews me on the state of free speech in America.

UPDATE: In case you missed it: Here's the audio.

Facebook’s COVID “Vaccine” Fact-Checkers Are Funded by Vaccine Drug Companies
Every time I posted a new study or data analysis regarding the side effects of the Covid vaccine to Facebook, I was banned, for a month.

Every time.

It has been confirmed that Facebook’s COVID “Vaccine” Fact-Checkers are in fact ...

Biden Regime Sues Arizona For Building Border Wall
The party of treason is using the immense power of the federal government to stop states from protecting their own borders in order to allow the hostile invasion by millions of illegals to continue.

BREAKING: A huge migrant caravan of over ...

Zelenskyy’s Wife Drops $40,000 in Christmas Shopping Spree in Paris
“Let them eat Medovik!”

They don't even attempt to hide the corruption. The Democrat thieves have taught them well.

Today the lame duck Democrat congress are hammering out another billion dollar 'omnibus' bill raping the America ...

Trump Peace: Israeli Cast in Morocco Performs First Hebrew Play in Arab Country; Hatikvah played
Quite literally the only good news is from President Trump's Abraham Accords. The greatest political achievement of the 21st Century. Yet, there is no coverage from the hideous mainstream media, no Nobel Peace Prize for President Trump, and little ...
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