You’re Invited
Please join us for our 2023 in-person winter luncheon in Palo Alto, CA to hear from renowned parent-teen communication expert and pediatrician, Dr. Ken Ginsburg, who will share highlights from his new book, Congrats, You're Having a Teen!
While the teen years may bring challenges, Dr. Ginsburg will help us see that this time is one of the most exciting, important phases of child development. You will learn concrete strategies to help guide adolescents toward a thriving adulthood and strengthen your relationships with them for life. Following the keynote presentation, Dr. Ginsburg and Challenge Success Co-Founder, Denise Pope, Ph.D., will engage in a discussion to further help us understand, encourage, support, love, and celebrate the teens in our lives.
General admission tickets, tables, and sponsorships are available as well as reduced-cost educator/non-profit tickets. If you aren’t able to join us in person, please consider supporting our efforts by sponsoring an educator or a table of educators to attend.