Dear John
In this issue:
- Hamilton West
- Out and About
- Cambridge Connections
- Final 2022 Speech in the House
Christmas Wishes
- Hold the Date
Hamilton West MP Tama Potaka
Firstly, I’d like to congratulate the new Hamilton West MP, Tama
Potaka, on his resounding win at last weekend’s by-election.

Tama attracted 6629 votes—2285 more than his nearest rival, Labour
candidate Georgie Dansey (4344 votes).
It is a clear sign that New Zealanders are ready for change—they
want a government that delivers outcomes.
Tama has great experience and much
to offer his electorate and New Zealand.
We warmly welcome him to the National Party caucus.
I look forward to working closely with Tama next year.
Out and About
I spent some time talking with people in the agriculture industry
at National’s stand at Fieldays
in November and I visited many local
businesses which were exhibiting.

One of farmers’ biggest concerns is the amount of their time (an
estimated 30%) spent complying with a continuous avalanche of
unproductive regulations and administration heaped upon them by the
Government. It is costly, and, as one
farmer said, it has a negative effect on their 'top
Despite around 170,000 people being on the Jobseeker benefit,
farmers are finding it difficult to find workers and they are
frustrated with immigration settings.
And they are not happy with the Hydra that is "Three Waters".
National would repeal and replace the Water Services legislation.
The party doesn't agree with taking community assets or forming
four mega-entities to look after water which won't lower costs for
ratepayers or taxpayers.
National also doesn't believe complicated models of co-governance
will achieve better outcomes for ratepayers, and the attempt to
entrench the provisions was outrageous.
Submissions can be made on the Water
Services Legislation Bill and the Water
Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill until 12
February 2023.

It is always great to see the innovations happening in the
agricultural sector. As one of our biggest export earners, it is
hugely important to New Zealand's economy.
BDO Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge
The Cycle Challenge at the end of November attracted over 3000
entries. It included two new events—the Gravel Grind and the Length of
the Lake from Turangi. We look forward to rebuilding the event now
that Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

The Cycle Challenge is one of my favourite events of the year.
There is always such a buzz around Taupō and it’s great to see so many
people out there having fun.
Well done to the Rotary team for their efforts!
Cambridge Connections
I recently attended a presentation
from the Cambridge Connections Stakeholder Group—Waipā District
councillors, Cambridge Community Board members, iwi representatives,
Waka Kotahi staff, transport planners and freight industry
representatives—where roading and transport options in the town were
Waipā District Council plans to deliver a business case in June
2023. It will include a preferred site for a third bridge which is
necessary for growth in Cambridge.
I also met with new Waipā District Mayor Susan O'Regan and Deputy
Mayor Liz Stolwyk to discuss how we can work together on issues like
the third bridge for Cambridge.
Final 2022 Speech in Parliament
Wednesday was the last session for Parliament in 2022 and I
delivered my final
speech for the year in the
Adjournment Debate. Looking forward, as leaders we need to
focus on playing the ball and not the man. Everyone in the House
serves New Zealanders. Cross party groups working together, whether in
sports teams or on committees, helps democracy. We need to protect our
precious democracy.
I would like to acknowledge all the support staff and volunteers
who help our democracy function, and the sacrifices MPs' families make
in supporting them.
And I would like to thank the people in social services who
help those suffering the cost-of-living crisis, especially as
Christmas approaches.
Christmas Wishes
As another busy year comes to a close, I wish you all a happy and
safe Christmas and New Year.
I am taking a break and going camping where there is no cell phone
coverage, so I look forward to a digital detox.
I will recharge my batteries ready to continue advocating for
people in the Taupō Electorate and plan for the election next
My team will be able to help with urgent concerns during that
period. The office contact details are listed below.
Hold the Date
Facebook Live
If you didn't have a chance to tune into my monthly Live
Chat on Tuesday, it is recorded on my Facebook page. I will be
taking a break in January, so my next chat will be in February. Join
me to discuss the issues that currently concern you.
Tuesday 14 February 8
Friendly Forums
I will be holding Friendly Forums at the start of next year:
Taupo: 3 March 2023, 10 a.m.–11.30 a.m.
Rotary House, 12 Story Place,
Cambridge: 17 March 2023, 10 a.m.–11.30 a.m.
Seminar Room, Taylor Made Community
Space, 22A Taylor Street, Cambridge
South Waikato (Tokoroa): 27 March 2023, 10 a.m.–11.30
South Waikato Sport and Events
Centre, 25 Mossop Road, Tokoroa
Electorate Assistance
If you need help from my team over the Christmas break and your
query is urgent, please e-mail the Office of Louise Upston MP [email protected]
or phone 0508 TAUPOMP (0508 828 7667). If your query is not urgent, it will be
attended to on our return from the Christmas break.
The Cambridge office will be closed from 19 December 2022 and
reopen on 4 January 2023.
The Taupō office will be closed from 24 December 2022 to 9 January
Phone messages and emails will be checked during this time and
urgent matters will be responded to.
Kind regards,
Hon Louise Upston