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December 15, 2022
Top News
Outlook 'Grim' Halfway Through Global Biodiversity Summit, Climate Groups Warn <[link removed]>
"If Global North countries don't compromise, the consequences will be dire," said Greenpeace. "One million species are at risk of extinction, threatening the web of life that holds our planet together."
by Julia Conley
Biden's Latest Push for Manchin Dirty Deal Condemned as 'Disgraceful Betrayal' <[link removed]>
"Manchin's provisions will expand fossil fuel infrastructure at a time when you should be stopping extraction," said one climate campaigner.
by Jake Johnson
Ellsberg, Donziger Among Those Demanding Freedom for Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale <[link removed]>
"People forget that there are Americans being held right in our own country for political reasons, who the world regards as political prisoners, who President Biden has the power to release immediately," said human rights lawyer Steven Donziger.
by Julia Conley
More Top News
* Warning of Winter Surge, White House Revives Free At-Home Covid Test Program <[link removed]>
* Russia Warns of 'Unpredictable Consequences' If US Sends Patriot Missiles to Ukraine <[link removed]>
* Workers, Not 'Stockbrokers and CEOs,' Will Pay Price for Fed Rate Hikes: Warren <[link removed]>
* 'Nurses Have Had Enough': Largest-Ever NHS Strike Kicks Off in UK Over Low Pay <[link removed]>
* 'A Watershed Moment': House Approves Statehood Vote for Puerto Ricans <[link removed]>
* Amid Fight Over Manchin Deal, Climate Justice Groups Offer Roadmap for Green Infrastructure <[link removed]>
* Peru Civil Society Calls for National Strike as Unelected President Declares State of Emergency <[link removed]>
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Bring on the Labor Movement Militancy! <[link removed]>
Labour is the only force sufficiently strong and organized to champion working people-and push back against the crushing weight of corporate power.
by Linda McQuaig
Republicans Sick of Trump Have a Major Problem: The Trump Base <[link removed]>
The GOP continues to rot as a political party, as a governing institution, and as a moral entity.
by Robert Reich
The Madness of Nuclear Warfare Is Alive and Well <[link removed]>
Collectively, it seems that we may be on the verge of returning to a nightmarish past, where we lived in fear of a nuclear war that would kill us all.
by William Astore
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