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Yesterday I wrote you about Lyndon, who said he considered suicide after his family disowned him for being transgender. In that dark moment, Danny, a pastor, and his family showed Lyndon what it meant to be loved and accepted. Lyndon described that affirmation as “life-saving, quite honestly.”

You can help The Trevor Project’s crisis counselors play that life-saving role for the LGBTQ young people who reach out to us in their dark moments. Your gift will help support our free, confidential, 24/7/365 suicide prevention and crisis intervention services, so please be as generous as you can.


Danny’s conservative theological training informed his views on transgender people. “I was taught that God created male and female,” he said.

Then Danny “...began to realize that I was helping to perpetuate this theology of harm.” He continued: “Since then, I have committed myself to do better. And that should be what it means to be human, that we no longer perpetuate harm.”


Lyndon lived with Danny and his family for nine months. Their home was the first place where Lyndon felt safe and loved. He was able to grieve the loss of his family and begin to heal. “Now I'm at a place where I'm running towards what I love, not away from what I fear,” Lyndon said.

Your gift will help Trevor be a call, text, or chat away for a young person in crisis. Your contribution will also support allies like Danny with training and other educational resources. Please be generous!

Together, we’ll create a world where Lyndon and every LGBTQ young person runs toward love, not away from fear.

In community,

Kwesi Mussio
Director of Chat/Text Staff

Support Trevor’s mission to make LGBTQ young people in crisis — every single one — feel loved and accepted for who they are. Your gift will help provide free, confidential suicide prevention and crisis intervention services — 24/7/365.

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The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.

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