Dear John,
One of my absolute favorite things about Caring Across Generations is our emphasis on changing the way our culture sees care.
Did you know that most caregivers don’t consider themselves caregivers? Care work has been so invisibilized by our society that we don’t even see ourselves for what we are. Through our culture change work, Caring Across makes sure care is understood as a shared responsibility in society instead of as an individual burden that families just have to deal with.
By leveraging the power of everything from long-form documentaries to rapid-response campaigns on social media, Caring Across has successfully replaced old ways of thinking that made caregivers invisible, undeserving, and isolated with new ways of thinking that lift up and support caregivers.
Will you consider making a contribution and advancing this urgent culture-changing work?
Our culture change work this year speaks for itself.
Our groundbreaking conversation with cast members of the NBC show “This Is Us,” Seth Rogen, Lauren Miller Rogen, and more talked about how when people see themselves and situations represented in TV shows, they don’t feel as alone and helpless.
Our Portraits of Care advertising campaign was so important. We took professional pictures of supporters and the people they care for and put them up in Times Square in New York City, Washington DC, and five other cities (Los Angeles, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Chicago) to show onlookers that all families are care families.
Our culture change work is constantly evolving – and we need your help to keep the drumbeat going. Please donate now.
Here’s what we have coming up for 2023.
We’re forming our first-ever Creative Care Council — made up of celebrities who have personal experiences with care — who will go out in the world to talk about the state of care in this country.
We’re going to launch a social media video series called Dead Talks – a TEDTalk parody series that relates to aging.
And, lastly, in the fall 2023, we’ll be hosting our inaugural CareFest! It’s a multi-day, in-person event bringing together cultural influencers, policy makers, and corporate partners with people who give and receive care – like you – to share ideas and opportunities for action.
Help support our culture change team as we work to radically re-envision the way our society views and treats caregivers in this country by donating now.
With care,
Ishita Srivastava, Chief of Narrative and Culture Change
Caring Across Generations