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Tonight!? Thursday, Dec. 15th Celebrate Peace on Earth with the Schiller Institute Chorus, singing works of Bach and Handel! 7:00 pm Online Concert

Tomorrow night, we'll be talking with American medical professionals about the crisis in healthcare delivery in the United States, and how it is impacting our cities and towns across the nation. We'll also hear from the President of SIA-Africa about a bold initiative launched by the African nation of Ghana to build 100 modern hospitals.? As always participation in the NY Symposium does not constitute endorsement of any political campaign, nor are the opinions expressed by my guests necessarily my own.

NY Symposium: 8:00pm, Friday, December 16:Healthcare Infrastructure; Can the USA Learn from Ghana?



Marcia Merry Baker,?researcher and writer at the?Executive Intelligence Review

Assmblyman John Salka,?New York state assembly; former?Director of Cardiopulmonary Services at Community Memorial Hospital in Hamilton, NY.?

Don Bliss, president of the?The Marathon Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Dr. Philip Lamptey,?President of the Associated Board of SIA-Africa (Sustainable Initiatives and Alliances for Africa), who will discuss the medical initiative in Ghana.




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