Dear John,

Did you see the California Teachers Association’s investments in the most recent campaign season? Politico reports:

“The labor powerhouse has staked positions on November ballot initiatives ranging from abortion rights to vape juice, and its lobbyists champion criminal justice reform, grants to help undocumented families and affordable housing policy.”

Notice that there’s nothing here about supporting teachers or improving the state’s abysmal schools performance. 

Even the union’s support of Proposition 28—so-called “The Arts and Music in Schools Funding Guarantee Accountability Act”—was simply a money grab by the nation’s most-expensive, worst-performing public school system.

Things can’t go on this way. But they will, until you and I succeed in educating the public that government unions are toxic.

This is how we begin Taking Back California!


Only then will Californians get the political reforms and the freedom-enhancing change we want and need. 

Government workers must understand: their union dues fund the destruction of our state. Once those workers find out, our experience shows, they leave those unions. And that can bankrupt the union money machine.

Through your support of the California Policy Center, you empower workers with that information. 

Together we’re winning, one step at a time.

And I can prove it. 

You recall that the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 2018 Janus ruling confirmed that it’s unconstitutional to force workers to pay union dues. 

Despite this clear ruling, California government unions and their politician pals have conspired to keep workers in the dark about their Janus rights. 

But your 2022 support for CPC’s Janus Opt-Out Project has dramatically reduced the amount of money unions have at their disposal to finance political campaigns:

  • Membership in California’s government unions continued to plummet wherever CPC’s opt-out program was active—even as California governments went on a hiring frenzy, fueled by “emergency” Covid funding. 

  • Just 73 percent of eligible government employees paid dues to unions in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022—down from 100 percent before Janus (June 2018). 

  • Government union membership in California has declined by 449,000 members since Janus. Membership in government unions is now down to its lowest level since the 1990s.

  • That membership drop has produced a decline in annual union dues income of almost $337 million.

That’s $337 million the California government unions no longer have to finance campaigns, engage in political activism, or lobby government officials.

John, I need your help right now to keep up the pressure on unions. Your Year-End, tax-deductible gift of $80, $160, or even $240 or more today gives my team the resources to do just this.

Why those amounts? Let me put it this way. 

Every worker freed from a union is a major victory for freedom. And because we’re getting pretty good at it, we’ve been able to determine how much it takes for each such victory. 

For just $80, you can help one government union member opt-out and relinquish nearly $1,000 from the union coffers. 

That means the employee keeps another $1,000 each year. 

Just as importantly, that’s $1,000 the government unions CAN’T spend promoting candidates and causes hostile to individual freedom, parental rights, educational excellence, and California’s taxpayers.

You and I could use a lot more of these wins in 2023. 


Your gift today of $80 helps CPC help one government union member opt-out of union membership. 

Your gift of $160 helps two members opt-out. 

Your gift of $240 helps three members opt-out. 

Your gift of $800 helps ten union members opt out, taking an average of $10,000 per year from union coffers.

Look, I know you can do the math. I just ask that you do so today, so that you and CPC can make 2023 a record year for union opt-outs. 

This is how we Take California Back. 

On behalf of everyone at CPC, I wish you a holiday season filled with love and joy. And thank you for all you’ve done to make California more free!


Will Swaim
President, California Policy Center

P.S. Remember any amount you give today is tax-deductible! Thank you again for your consideration!



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