Dear John,
This year we witnessed devastation to people and nature as a warming climate propelled drought, floods and disastrous storms across the world. Crucially, those communities hit hardest by these impacts are oftentimes those least equipped to handle them.
There’s simply no question that we must act. We need system-wide solutions to power the transition to a just, prosperous zero-carbon future.
That’s why this holiday season, I hope you’ll consider donating to WRI, John. Drawing on deep expertise and trusted relationships with decision makers, WRI is helping advance practical, real-world changes that achieve impact at scale.
By providing support, you enable WRI to deliver data-driven insights that power transformations in vital areas like renewable energy, ocean health, sustainable cities, food systems and more. You can power our urgent work helping governments, businesses and communities implement climate solutions by providing the data, analysis and tools they need now.
So please, consider making a donation today to accelerate solutions for our ailing planet.
We believe that the planet’s biggest problems are solvable and that we can change course to build a better tomorrow. We can still address the climate crisis, transform our economic and social systems, and achieve a more just and sustainable society – but only if we act together.
I hope that we can count on you, John. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Together, we can move the world closer to its climate goals and help secure a safer, healthier future for everyone.
With deep appreciation,
Jenni LeBlanc
Director, Individual Philanthropy
World Resources Institute