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This is the last membership-specific email we’ll be sending this year. There’s lots going through our minds – first and foremost, pride and appreciation for the collective work of every member belonging to and building this membership organization, alongside some concern for the need to raise the remainder of RG’s budget. Our invitation to you is to read this entire email to build a deeper analysis of both.
RG’s membership base is a force. Our membership culture is comprised of a multiracial community cocreating mutual trust through collaboration on campaign work and resource mobilization efforts locally, personal development through praxis groups across the country, mutual accountability, and so much more.
And while there is so much to celebrate, there is still work ahead. As the year comes to a close, that work looks like the power of our collective membership coming together to close a budget deficit at RG. We know that moving as a membership collective will result in the full-hearted resourcing of our work and our partners’, so we ask you: Will you recommit to this collective membership-based organizing project by making your 2022 membership dues contribution at 5-10% of your overall giving by the end of this weekend?
RG’s 2022 income budget is $3,912,500. With expected forthcoming pledges taken into account, we still need to fundraise about $140,000 more to reach that goal, and we know that our members can get us there. If you’re wondering where that money goes to, our most recent Annual Report Budget Summary offers an overview of how RG’s income is spent. You can check it out here [[link removed]] and keep an eye out for our 2022 Annual Report in the first quarter of the new year.
RG’s budget is 95% member funded because that is the politically principled and strategic way to resource the operational excellence and wages with dignity for our cross-class, multiracial, multigenerational staff team of 24 people. When our membership base of 1,100 individuals sustains RG’s mission, vision, and day-to-day organizing, it is extremely powerful.
So here’s what we need to meet the current need at RG.
As of December 12th, 578 people had signed the 2022 redistribution pledge this year, pledging to move $98M to movements, which is amazing . It is clear: RG is transforming hundreds and hundreds of young wealthy people’s commitment to the movements of our lifetimes.
About 60% of our redistribution pledge signers are dues-paying members, but only about 30% of our dues-paying members signed the 2022 redistribution pledge.
That means that RGers as a community are moving far more than $100M to movements this year. If every one of those people gave dues to RG at 5% of their overall giving, our budget would be met almost twice over. If every one of the dues-paying members who have so far moved 5% of their overall giving increased to 10% or thereabouts, we would also close the budget deficit.
So by the end of the weekend, will you help us continue to powerfully move this work forward in 2023 by closing our income gap with a 5-10% of overall giving membership contribution, [[link removed]] or with an additional year-end contribution [[link removed]] ?
Moving as a membership collective disrupts not only personal money stories but also societal narratives that restrict liberatory possibilities for wealth redistribution and the creation of regenerative economies. RG is facilitating those possibilities every day. Next year, we’ll likely make an official shift from the 5% membership ask to one that is more rightsized to our organizational needs, such as a 5-10% sliding scale ask. We’ll also be urging all our dues-paying members to move their membership contributions by May 1st. And, we anticipate that earned income from our keystone, in-person programming that we relied on prior to the onset of the pandemic will help abate a year-end crunch like this one next year.
With gratitude and in solidarity,
Valeriya, Julia, Yahya, and the rest of the RG team
RG Staff Retreat 9/2022 [[link removed]]
RG Staff Retreat - September 2022.
Not pictured: Christina B., Ekundayo I., Eliza W., Emery K., and Jes K.
Renew your Membership at 5-10% of Your Overall Giving Today! [[link removed]]
We encourage you to consider joining RG as a dues paying member [[link removed]] , and if you would like to get involved in your local chapter, please fill out this intake form [[link removed]] !
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Resource Generation
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