When Republicans stole two Supreme Court seats to lock in a right-wing supermajority on the bench, millions feared for the fate of Roe v. Wade — and I was no different. 


I have spent the bulk of my career working to expand abortion access, but last year, when I found out the Court was going to hear a direct challenge to Roe, I knew I had to act. If the Court was taking on abortion, I had to join the fight to take on the Court. That’s why I joined Take Back the Court in 2021: it was all too clear that as long as these 6 right-wing justices were in charge of the Court, our rights would be on the chopping block. 


Still, that didn’t make the Dobbs decision this June any less devastating.


The right-wing extremists who control the Court understood the grave consequences of overturning the constitutional right to abortion, and they did it anyway. There are truly no words to properly convey the cruelty of this decision. And we’ve seen these consequences play out in the countless news stories detailing the devastating impact of abortion bans in the months since.


The Dobbs decision has been a tragic step backward for human rights and reproductive justice in this country. But I joined this fight because 6 unelected judges do not get the final word on our rights, we do. And I hope you will keep fighting with me too.


8 in 10 Americans support the right to abortion, and those hundreds of millions of people haven’t given up, they’ve been fighting back. Exit polls from the midterm elections show that abortion was the number one driver of drove turnout in many states that were crucial to Democrats keeping the Senate. Abortion was also on the ballot in ballot measures in five states — California, Michigan, Vermont, Kentucky, and Montana — and in every contest, in blue states and red, voters came down decisively in favor of abortion access. 


This fight is far from over.


An unelected Court that abandons the rule of law and knowingly inflicts harm on millions of Americans is not and can never be legitimate. I joined Take Back the Court because there is a clear response to this crisis: We must expand the Supreme Court.


We cannot back down and allow the Court to keep up the radical assault on our rights and democracy. I’m fighting for a Court that works for the American people, not against us.


But our team cannot get this done alone. Can you pitch in to continue building this movement to put pressure on Congress to act, and protect our human rights from this rogue Court?


I’m in this fight today because I saw the writing on the wall and refused to give up — and since you’re reading this, I’m guessing you are too. 


Let’s do this together,

Sarah Lipton-Lubet

Executive Director, Take Back the Court Action Fund