Help Earthworks Fight Methane Pollution

Dear John,

Finally, the federal government is getting serious about cracking down on methane pollution from oil and gas sites.

At least, it says it is.

Don’t get me wrong, the EPA’s long-awaited comprehensive regulation on methane released last month includes many of the critical provisions Earthworks has been pushing. That means new restrictions on flaring, expanding coverage to orphaned and small wells, and⁠—this is key⁠—empowering organizations like Earthworks to monitor compliance.

But the oil and gas industry already has its knives out to dramatically carve up this proposed regulation.

As we know all too well, even the best law or regulation requires strong, determined enforcement after it's finalized. That's why Earthworks is gearing up to make this proposed rule as strong as possible and fight for the resources needed to enforce it. 

We can't do this without your support.

Will you make your generous year-end gift to Earthworks today?

Because any hope we have of averting climate catastrophe starts with slashing methane pollution... immediately.

Methane is almost 90 times as potent as carbon dioxide, but it breaks down much more quickly.

That means that a sharp reduction in methane pollution will have a dramatic and positive near-term impact on the climate crisis.

In effect, it gives us the decade or so we desperately need to complete our transition away from fossil fuels into a renewable energy economy. 

Slashing methane pollution is essential to the fight against the climate crisis. But it's not enough. We're also pushing President Biden to use his power to declare a climate emergency, reinstate the crude oil export ban, stop offshore oil and gas drilling, and restrict private investment in overseas fossil fuel projects.

First, we have to make sure this new methane regulation is as tough as possible.

Your contribution today will help get the new methane regulation done.

It's the best investment you can make in a sustainable future for all.

Thank you so much for everything you do! 

Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director, Earthworks

P.S. If you've already sent in a contribution in response to my recent letter, thank you! But if not, please, click HERE to make a secure and easy online donation. Thanks again!

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