“American Consumers, Not China, Are Paying for Trump’s Tariffs”
-- New York Times

Add your name today: Tell Congress to step up and fight for our families in this trade war.


When reading about the trade war in the news, it’s easy to only see the big corporate names. We see how stocks rise and fall, how companies gain or lose money, and how CEOs react to the news. But that’s not the full story.

The truth is, John, our workers are bearing the brunt of the trade war.

I’ve heard too many stories from our farmers, our workers, our truck drivers, and our families struggling. Our friends and neighbors in Iowa and across the country are collateral damage in negotiations, and it’s high time they have a fighter for them in Congress.

Add your name to our petition -- tell Washington to negotiate trade deals that put our workers first. This trade war is not working in our favor. Our negotiators went into it without allies -- and our farmers, manufacturers, and consumers paid the price. As a result, we haven’t addressed what we were told were the primary reasons for the trade war in the first place: intellectual property theft, currency manipulation, and anti-competitive subsidies. Now, our people are even worse off than before.

John Deere is laying off employees here in Iowa. Families are forced to rent out their century farms and dairy corporations are in talks to consolidate. Our hardest workers are suffering from crippling debt and bankruptcy. When the current administration steps in to help, most of the relief goes to the largest and wealthiest farms.

Meanwhile, corporate lobbyists are raking in millions off this crisis and politicians in Washington are taking their PAC money -- they care more about their campaign war chest than the livelihoods of their constituents.

I hear heartbreaking stories like this all the time on the campaign trail here in Iowa’s 4th district. We can’t let these folks suffer any longer -- we need to take action.

Sign our petition today: Tell Congress to step up and fight for our families in this trade war.

Standing Tall for All,

J.D. Scholten



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Paid for by Scholten4Iowa Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 3531
Sioux City, IA 51102