“Why do Democrats need my support right now?”

This is a question we’re hearing a lot, John. We wanted to take a moment to answer it:

Just last week, we closed the books on the 2022 midterms with a huge victory in Georgia. In what was expected to be a difficult year for Democrats, we grew our Senate majority.

Defend the Senate made early investments in battleground states. We ran ads that helped expose the truth about Trump’s handpicked, extremist candidates like Mehmet Oz, Herschel Walker, and Blake Masters.

It’s clear those ads made a difference: In the closest election of the year, Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto beat her opponent by just 10,000 votes — or less than 1 percent.

Those ads were possible thanks to small-dollar donations like yours.

Now, our Democratic majority can continue standing up to Mitch McConnell to protect our fundamental rights, create more good-paying jobs, and deliver for American families.

But our work doesn’t stop there: Election experts are forecasting an uphill battle for Democrats in 2024 — meaning we’ll need to invest more (and earlier) to withstand Mitch McConnell’s attacks.

Reaching our fundraising goals, like tonight’s last mid-month fundraising goal of the year, is crucial to protecting our razor-thin Senate majority. Grassroots donations will help us launch early advertising campaigns, turn out Democrats, and reach persuadable voters before Mitch McConnell’s allies do.

Help us end 2022 on the strongest possible footing: Before tonight’s deadline, rush in a donation to Defend the Senate >>

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We proved this election that there’s nothing we can’t accomplish if we work together. Help us continue setting Democrats up for success, John.

Thank you for your support,

— Defend the Senate