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Dear NCRC members and allies,

We have secured a limited number of rooms at the 2020 Just Economy Conference host hotel at the discounted rate of $299 per night. The regular rates for rooms at the Washington Hilton are currently over $500 for our dates and our discounted rooms sell out every year, so reserve yours now

Also make sure to register for the Just Economy Conference, if you haven’t done so yet. We have some great sessions shaping up and we have Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones and redlining historian Richard Rothstein already slated as keynote speakers.


Register Now

The Just Economy Conference is the leading national conference for economic and social justice. It's Monday, April 27 to Wednesday, April 29, 2020. We get started early on Monday morning so you’ll want to plan to arrive Sunday night and head home Wednesday evening. The Washington Hilton is located at 1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009.
We had a packed house last year, and are expecting a sellout this year. Register now and secure your spot!


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