How could Israel’s new government impact LGBTQ+ people?

Hard-right parties whose leaders have opposed LGBTQ+ rights will be a part of Israel's coalition government


LGBTQ+ Africans fight Twitter hate speech after Musk's takeover

LGBTQ+ Africans use online spaces to gather and speak freely, but say a surge in Twitter abuse may drive many off the platform

In Mexico, displaced LGBTQ+ people push for equal, safe jobs

LGBTQ+ Mexicans in shelters and asylum seekers struggle with discrimination and lack of documents as they look for work

Barbados's top court strikes down laws criminalizing gay sex

Barbados's High Court has ruled the criminalization of gay sex is unconstitutional

Biden signs marriage equality act to tune of Cyndi Lauper's 'True Colors'

U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law at a jubilant celebration that featured U.S. singer Cyndi Lauper performing "True Colors"

Soccer moves centre stage in Qatar, dimming World Cup controversies

As the World Cup reaches a climax in Qatar, drama on the pitch has partially eclipsed human rights controversies that dogged the Gulf Arab state

Indonesia's new laws a threat to privacy, press and human rights, says UN

Indonesia approved a new criminal code this week that penalises insulting the president, cohabitation between unmarried couples and promoting contraception to minors

For Brittney Griner, months as Russian prisoner end on UAE tarmac

After 10 months in Russian prison, women's basketball star Brittney Griner is released in exchange for Russian arms dealer

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