Remembering Sandy Hook 

December 14, 2022
Dear  John xxxxxx,

ImageToday is the 10-Year Remembrance of the tragic school shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Sadly, 20 innocent elementary school students and 6 brave teachers were taken from their families by a senseless act of gun violence that day.

No family should ever experience the pain of losing a loved one to gun violence. A decade later, my House colleagues and I remain committed to ending this epidemic.

That’s why this Congress we passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – which President Biden signed into law this summer.

This will save lives because it delivers:
  • $750 million for states to create laws that keep guns out of the hands of people who are a danger to themselves and/or to others.


  • enhanced background checks for people under age 21.


  • more than $2.3 billion for school safety programs, mental health support for students, and improved learning conditions.


  •  $250 million in community-based violence prevention programs.


  • better protection for victims of domestic violence by stopping convicted abusers from purchasing firearms.

This is the most significant gun violence reduction effort in the last 30 years. But we must do more to protect families and children.

That’s why today, on the 10-Year Remembrance of the Sandy Hook Shooting, I'm continuing to fight for gun control legislation in Congress.

I won’t stop until we are all safe from preventable gun violence. That’s my promise to all my constituents.





Sylvia R. Garcia 

Member of Congress

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