December 14, 2022

Dear Friends and Supporters,
2022 has been another extremely productive year for the SHARK Team!

Every year is productive for us because our innovative, ground-breaking methods and relentless hard work are a proven battle plan to successfully save animals and stop animal cruelty. Since our beginnings more than 30 years ago, SHARK’s frontline approach has resulted in victories for animals that are the envy of far, far larger organizations. SHARK President Steve Hindi with a drone
As we near the end of the year, I am proud to send you this mailer showing you our work and accomplishments, which have happened only with the support of caring people like you. I am more appreciative than I can say for your continued financial support.

On October 17, 2022, The Washington Post published a story featuring SHARK's drone work that led to the closing down of Envigo - a massive puppy mill that churned out beagles for experimentation outside of Cumberland, Virginia.
Beagles from the Envigo facility at Homeward Trails Adoption Center.
Credit: Sue Bell/Homeward Trails
Envigo raised its victims in overcrowded cages littered and stained with feces and urine. The prisoners fought for dominance and survival. They received gross substandard care. Their caretakers didn’t care about their well-being. Their only concern was the money the dogs represented.
Once sold, the survivors of Envigo’s abuse could look forward to only more torture and death at the hands of cruel experimenters.
Envigo got away with its unconscionable abuse for decades, simply because the company could hide behind some trees. Neighbors could hear the plaintive wails of the dogs from a long way away, but Envigo spokespeople assured the world that all was well. It was all such a damnable lie.
That horrible story of indefensible abuse started to change on February 20, 2017, when a SHARK drone flew to what was then Covance, and filmed the horrific images of a massive factory farm from hell.

Top photo of Envigo before, and below the empty cages after!
Corporate animal abusers like Covance/Envigo hire lots of well-paid spin doctors to cover up their criminal behavior. But try as they may to lie their way out of trouble, SHARK’s drones created an irrefutable public record that no one could spin. Our cameras exposed the truth - a concentration camp of suffering, and a future of more suffering for the hapless beagles.
It took five years, but SHARK’s drone footage ignited a movement that culminated in almost 4,000 dogs being rescued and placed into loving homes and the shutdown of an evil dump!

While everyone is claiming they need funding, SHARK really does. We are not hoarding millions of dollars like other groups while pleading for more money.
Your donations go to our investigations, not exorbitant executive salaries or fundraising. Traveling is grueling and expensive, but it is necessary to help the animals.
SHARK can't continue without your support. Please donate here.