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** Hey
Lyndon was prepared for his conservative family to disown him when he came out as transgender in 2014. “I was so low that I did consider suicide,” Lyndon said.
As a member of The Trevor Project’s Crisis Services team, I’ve talked to LGBTQ young people who feel like Lyndon did at that moment. I’m so grateful to be able to help them through those dark, painful times. Support from caring people like you makes that possible. That’s why I hope you’ll make your best gift today. ([link removed])
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Trevor’s research shows that acceptance from at least one adult can decrease the risk of an LGBTQ young person attempting suicide by 40%.
Lyndon found that supportive adult — a pastor named Danny. (They’re pictured above.) When Lyndon came out to his mother, she said he’d never be her son and she couldn’t even look at him before walking out of the room. Soon after, Danny and his family opened up their home and hearts to Lyndon.
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Lyndon described what Danny’s acceptance means to him:
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As the world’s leading provider of suicide prevention and crisis intervention services for LGBTQ youth, Trevor is here 24/7/365. We assure the young people who reach out to us that the world is filled with affirming and accepting people.
I know you’re one of those affirming and accepting people,
Your gift today will help ensure that Trevor will be a call, text, or chat away for a young person in crisis. Please be as generous as you can. ([link removed])
With gratitude,
Kwesi Mussio
Director of Chat/Text Staff
Support Trevor’s mission to make LGBTQ young people in crisis — every single one — feel loved and accepted for who they are. Your gift will help provide free, confidential suicide prevention and crisis intervention services — 24/7/365.
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The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.
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