In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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Public health chiefs have held talks with Muslim leaders after families raised concerns about allowing their children to have the flu vaccine because it
contains pork products.
Representatives of Glasgow City Council say they have no plans to change the arrangement allowing two representatives from the Catholic Church to vote on
education matters.
A leading Catholic clergyman has called on parishioners to oppose a move to block voting rights for religious representatives on schooling issues in
Nearly half of young LGBT people who are left homeless after coming out are from religious backgrounds, according to research by the Albert Kennedy Trust.
A vicar at the centre of the Anglican Church's sexual abuse scandal has told how the alleged abuse of schoolchildren in his Rotherham parish sparked his
battle to get justice for himself and others.
Yasmin Qureshi and Alistair Carmichael say they aim to initiate a short inquiry into the incarceration of Muslims in China after parliament returns from
A convicted Christian claims he suffered religious discrimination by the NHS as he was denied the right to Sunday worship while Muslim inmates were allowed
Friday prayers.
A bill to decriminalise abortion in New South Wales has been delayed by a week after resistance from the conservative wing of the coalition government.
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